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"We leave in five minutes!" Called out Commander Erwin. Everyone in the Scout Regiment buzzed with anticipation to go out into the real world. Something most had done for awhile. "(Y/n)! I'm so excited, can you believe we're going outside the walls!?" Samantha said, and she started babbling on again. Scott turned to you, "lighten up! We're going to see everything today. Don't ruin it with your attitude." You scoffed, and shifted your horse. You looked at Levi, and he looked at you.
When your eyes met, you thought to felt something. A single memory started to squeeze its way through your brain. You've seen him before. Raven black hair, steely eyes with a glare that could kill, and a stoic expression that never seemed to show any emotion. Where've you seen him from?

"Open the gate!"

You immediately snapped out of your daze, and turned to the front. Soon, the gates were fully open, and the signal was given. "Onward!"
Everyone advanced outside the wall, and once the sunlight hit, your eyes widened.

It was beautiful. You had never seen so much green in your life. After years of living in the Underground, you always imagined what it would be like outside of that hellhole. The trees, and the color of the sky mixed beautifully together, and stared at a few flowers that would pass by. "This is no time for sightseeing! There's a ten meter heading our way! Pay attention!" Said your squad leader as he ran in front. You scowled at him. He was right. A ten meter titan was heading your way, an ugly smile imprinted on its ugly face. You launched off of your horse, and grappled your hooks onto the titans back.
You glided up, and slashed its nape. The titan fell, and you landed back on your horse. Your squad leader ran next to you, and glared at you. "I did not give you permission to engage!" He said. You glared back at him, "I don't need permission from an old idiot who's too afraid to even take down a ten meter!" He glared at you, "why you-"

"That's enough."

You both turn to the source of the icy voice, that belonged to the captain himself. "Need I remind you, that there's a 12 meter aberrant heading our way. (L/n), I want you to take it down," he commanded. You nodded, and you launched off as your squad leader started protesting.
The aberrant moved quickly, not heading in any direction in particular. You grappled your hooks onto it, and launched yourself. It reached for your wire, and tossed you aside, but you quickly composed yourself, and hooked yourself onto it again.
'Damn, this is going to be harder than I thought,' your thoughts scrambled together, and formulated a plan. You hooked your wire onto the head, and launched yourself and landed on its head. 'If I take out the heels, it'll stop it from moving...alright!'

You launched yourself over to the leg, and sliced its heels off. It quickly fell, and tried to get up but couldn't. You took this chance to cut the nape of the titan. It grew unconscious and and it's blood began to evaporate from your skin. You landed back on your horse, and everyone else stared at you. You all continued through the forest, and while you and your comrades spoke about how amazing you were on the battlefield, the commander smiled and he knew that he did a great job on recruiting you.

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