Chapter 4 Fight for her

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"Christine I am coming for you and your head Rachel." Steven yelled.  Steven took one step closer to the building and 3 tanks came out. "I know you are weak and I will beat you, you will not win this one." "No, Rachel it will be you who will not win this." The three tanks then began to aim at Steven and he couldn't hod back the side of his shadow smile.  The buildings around Steven began to move and the buildings he was in a few days ago began to move toward Steven.  All buildings reached him and then they changed their forms into the forms of humans and had Steven's shadow smile on their faces also and stood right next to Steven.  One of the tanks shot at Steven and one of the buildings picked him up out of the blast range.  The building then put him down back on the ground and Steven barley moved his arm up and all of the buildings ran at the tanks allowing Steven to walk right to the front door.  Steven went to walk inside when his shadow doubles appeared and caught all of the bullets that the guards shot at him. "Guards do not let him up here he must be stopped and no one will leave until he is dead!" Rachel screamed over the speakers.  Steven continued to walk and outside the buildings were destroying the tanks and the tanks were exploding.  Steven got hit with a bullet and Steven then decided to stop caching bullets but to start to attack the guards himself.  He then turned form the elevator and stairs to the guards and he charged straight at them like he is an animal with very, very sharp claws.  The guards that were shooting at Steven thought that Steven was nothing if he was by himself but Dominic, Samantha, Jake, Jessica, Ashley, and Ezeakial all showed up and they had Steven's smile and all of them began to laugh as the bottom floor caught on fire.  The guards started to run from Steven and everyone else while banging at the doors and windows that the other buildings were sitting at except one building.  Steven walked into the elevator and let Dominic take charge over the fight with the guards.  The elevator listened to Steven but as it was going up it stopped since someone cut the power.  Steven flicked his head to the side and the only building standing reached inside of the other building, grabbed the elevator and threw it into the air onto the roof which was 50 stories up.  Steven walked out of the elevator and down into the staircase and began to walk down from that level.  When Steven entered the level form the staircase all of the guards were aiming at Steven because they saw the elevator fly up.  They all began to empty their clips into Steven but Steven dodged all of the bullets and teleported all of the guards away with his shadow tsunami.  Steven walked past their barricade and Steven walked to the staircase door.  Steven had one of this shadow clones open the door and the door was wired to blow and the floor collapsed beneath Steven, so Steven fell down 10 level but as Steven was falling his shadow clones checked all of the floors.  Rachel and Christine were not on any of those floors.  Steven stood up and saw the sign "Floor 40".  Steven sighed but then he continued to walk through the building looking fort Rachel and Christine. "Oh Steven, I have your friends with me now also" "Hey Steven it is true we were captured please don't save us." Dominic said.  Steven then jumped his head and then he got a message for Dominic saying "I am with everyone but Christine down on the first floor still." Steven then got even more angry at Rachel and the shadows became smiles floating around him on fire with blue flames.  Steven walked forward ignoring Rachel while she kept talking to him.  Steven punched the speakers that way Rachel would stop trying to get him angrier.  Rachel called all of the guards and told them to blow up the stairs next to them .  Steven walked to the door and he know what she told the guards because Steven was right next to a speaker that she was shouting into.  Steven began to run and the guards ran away form him.  Steven had his shadow clones disarm all of the wired doors.  Steven walked into the staircase and went into the next level to continue looking for Christine.  Steven caught one guard hiding and he asked her, "Where is Christine and Rachel?" and the guards responded with "Somewhere below us and they aren't anywhere about level one." "Thank you for your help" Steven said as he teleported her away.  Steven then walked to the elevator shaft and looked down it.  Dominic, Jessica, Samantha, Ezeakial, Ashley, and Jake all look u the elevator shaft and saw the words "MOVE" int he darkness.  They all ran back because they knew something was going to happen.  Steven walked back in a straight line and then he put his hands in his pockets and ran towards the elevator shaft and then he jumped down it.  Steven landed at the first floor and then he flicked his head to the side and the building destroyed the entire building expect for the first floor.  Steven then walked and moved all of the rubble about of his way to find something, anything that would lead him to Christine. "Steven I have something over here, seems like it is a broken escalator." Dominic said.  Steven then walked down the escalator and walked into a big corridor. "Well I was wondering when you would show up." "Who are you?" "My name is Asteroff." "Who the hell are you?" "I just told you my name." "No not that.  I don't know who the hell you are." "Oh, I am an assassin that works for Carter and Rachel.  The best of the best." "Really?  I doubt that." Oh Yeah?" "Yeah" "Oh Yeah?" "YEAH" "OH YEAH?" "YEAH" Steven then killed Asteroff and kept on walking. "Steven stop now and I will spare your friends if you just stop and let me kill you." "Asteroff, who the fuck, how are you alive?" "I am alive because that is my powers against people like you an average people.  "Well more fighting for us." "No matter how many times you kill me I will come back just to torment you." Steven then took one step forward and let his smile take over and Steven had teleported himself and Asteroff to a desert so that Asteroff could suffer worse, he ended up torturing Asteroff by nailing him to a wall and then he carved him open for vultures to continuously eat at him.  Steven teleported back to the corridor and kept walking. "What happened to Asteroff?" Dominic asked and Steven replied with "Oh, I left him to vultures and nailed him to a wall for never ending torture." Dominic and everyone began to fear Steven but then Ezeakial said "For the ones we love, we go to never ending lengths." Steven walked closer and closer to the room where Christine is.  "I am back, you piece of shit, and I am from the future." Asteroff said.  Steven walked forward and Asteroff ran to cut off Steven's legs.  Steven jumped over Asteroff's sword and then he used that sword to cut Asteroff in half and then he nailed Asteroff to the walls but the nails were in his head, his private, and his tendons.  Steven walked forward and came to the door.  Steven opened the door and only saw a staircase.  Steven then screamed at the top of his lungs "Christine, I am coming for you and nothing hi stand in my way." Down in the room where Christine is being held Rachel is pacing behind Christine.  "How is he still living?" "Our love has bonded us better then anyone could ever know so, if one of us were to die the other would destroy the world, or die trying, and they would still fight to be with the other one.  He and I are just like Yin and Yang." "Someone shut her up!" Rachel yelled and one guard went to punch her and as soon as they did their hand exploded into shadows.  Christine then spat on the ground and said "Hitting me will only piss him off and you will not see light again.  Oh and I am like a lion tamer and he is the lion." "SOMEONE TAPER HER MOUTH SHUT!" One guard taped her mouth and they weren't harmed.  Steven looked down the stairway and decided to quicken things up so he jumped down, but he fell into a containment box room. Steven constantly rocked the box until it fell off of its hinges.  Steven still had a hard time to break down the door but he used all of his shadows to brake down the door of the containment box room.  Steven was close to passing out, but the still moved forward and a shadow brought him Asteroff's sword.  Dominic and everyone else were running down the staircase when Steven sent them a message saying "Thanks for coming with me, but I need you to guard the building outside so that way we don't die form any bomb or something that they drop in here." "Ok everyone you got the message lets move." Dominic commanded.  Dominic and everyone then went back up the staircase and back outside to guard Steven's back.  Steven walked towards the room and guards came out of the walls around Steven.  Steven smiled and the shadows started to surround the guards but the shadows were blocked at everyturn they had to attack.  Steven used Asteroff's sword to cut the tendons of the guards so that he could get past.  Steven kicked open the door and saw only more guards like the ones behind him down a corridor and another door.  Steven walks forward and the guards charge at him and Steven cuts their tendons also.  Steven gets back up off the ground and he is covered in blood.  Steven walks forward toward move guards and they led weapons that nullified Steven's powers.  Steven still trips up the guards and cuts their tendons so that they can't stop him.  Steven kicks down the door and finds Christine, Rachel and a copy of himself working for Rachel.  Steven then instantly cuts off the head of his clone and walks towards Rachel.  Steven then cuts Christine free, but Christine grabs the sword from Steven and says "Ah easily down and that is Christine by the way." Rachel said while pointing at the Rachel in the corner.  Steven laughs and says "Did you expect me to not consider that you would have switched places?" Steven's shadow then appeared with Asteroff's sword again that it took right out of Rachel's hands and then Steven cut off her head and wrote, "Come after me lets get this settled so no one else has to deal with us Carter." in Rachel's blood.  Steven then grabbed Christine and left the bunker. Carter comes running in 3 hours after Steven is gone.  Carter sees Rachel dead and the note in her blood.  Carter pulled out his radio and said to his guards "We are going to go after and kill Steven, because he killed Rachel, oh and this is a hunt so let all assassin's hunters, and bounty hunters know." Carter then pulled out his gun and walked towards the place where Steven would be.

I want to dedicate this to @Clarey1408 for being there as a support in my life for 8 months now that we have been dating.

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