Colby smiled at the memory as he watched Emma snuggle her mother.

“Probably struggling and tripping over himself.” The woman had giggled, pursing her lips.

“I'll help,” he sighed, rolling his eyes as he headed towards Sam’s room. He pushed the for open, watching as Sam fumbled and looked flustered, diving down onto his bed in the pile of bags there.

“Sam, what the hell?”

“Nothing! I tripped!” He was nervous, Colby had learned this tone of voice. It was always strained and a bit too loud. He decided to let it slide for now.

His boyfriend had just returned from a trip he'd planned with Katrina. She’d originally invited them both to help her shop for her wedding (Andrew had proposed a week before Emma’s second birthday) but suddenly Andrew had oddly claimed he'd be busy and couldn't watch Emma.

Colby became increasingly suspicious when Katrina acted weirdly, her voice almost similar to Sam’s when he got worked up, “Oh, well, oops! Sorry Colby, looks like you'll have to watch Emma!” Then she'd whisked Sam out the door.

“Okay...whenever you're done, I'll be in the longue.” He left Sam to himself and returned to say his goodbyes to Katrina and Emma.

As she left, Colby couldn't help but wonder about this mysterious shopping trip.


“ What?! Sam! How long have you've been thinking about this.”

“Oh, I don't know… a few months I suppose.”

Katrina smacked her hand onto Sam’s head. They were sitting in the longue, Colby having wandered off to retrieve a movie from Sam’s bedroom and make snacks for their movie night. “Ouch! Kat!”

“Tell me these things sooner,” she said, voice returning to its hushed tone.

“Sorry, sorry. But now you know why Colby can't come tomorrow. Please have Andrew vouch for us somehow so Colby could, like, stay here and watch Em?”

Katrina hummed as if she was thinking about it, then huffed. “Fine. Deal. You idiot.”

They locked pinkies in a small promise and then returned to their spots on the sofa, acting normal again as Colby returned and settled himself against Sam.


“Sam, yes. It's perfect,” Katrian had cooed, eyes dazzling as she held the tiny item in her hand after the salemans had handed it over the be examined.

“You think so?”

“I know so. He’ll love it.” She dropped it into his hand with an affectionate smile. He turned to the salesperson, “I'll take this then.”


Sam had been examining his new purchase with soft eyes when the door opened to reveal his boyfriend. He yelped, clutching the tiny thing to his chest and diving down into the bags to avoid him from seeing.

“Sam, what the hell?”

The older man’s heart was thudding, a nervous sweat nearly breaking at the thought of everything being ruined in that moment. “Nothing! I tripped!” He cringed at the way his voice broke, and he knew Colby knew he was lying, but he prayed he said nothing of it.

“Okay...whenever you're done, I'll be in the longue.”

Sam held his sigh of relief in until Colby was out of the room, and pushed himself off his messy bed. He sorted through the bags which was mostly just two huge bags from where he bought a new jacket that had caught his eye and a few discounted games and movies that it couldn't hurt to add to his collection. He sorted everything where it needed to go, placing the small, encased item underneath a multitude of colorful socks. He’d have to move it later as Colby often snagged his socks, but for now, it was safe.

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