Vincent started his count each time my feet left the ground, and when he finally reached five, he let me go. Unfortunately, I was not ready. Not by a long shot, and the wind took advantage of my vulnerability, picking me up like an umbrella in a hurricane. Within seconds, I was twenty feet in the air.

"Woah!" I tilted my wings forward, struggling to keep control, while Vincent followed me from below.

"Elbows in! You control the sails!"

"Your sailing metaphors don't work on me!"

He reached out as he called over the gusting wind, and I used his outstretched talons as a focal point.

"Stop reaching for me!" he yelled.

"You're reaching for me!"

During our banter, I didn't notice him counting until I saw his lips form the word five, and the moment my success registered, a bell went off in my head, like the clock reminding Cinderella of her curfew. I ditched the glass slipper and went straight to collecting my reward in the bedroom.

"Reese, focus! You're heading for the lake!"

Vincent shouted as the wind yanked me backward over the water, and I struggled pitifully to right myself before making a horrendous swan dive at twenty feet. The arctic surface silenced Vincent's voice and introduced itself to my lungs. A moment later, as I choked on water and trout poop, I got hauled up by my armpits. I immediately clung to Vincent for warmth, but rather than carry me to the shore and swaddle me in the blanket, he held me in the frigid water and scowled at me.  

"It may be time to work on your landings." His scowl didn't last long, and he squeezed me to his chest, knocking the wind back out of me. "You held up your end of the bargain, Reese, so I'm all yours, although I may have misjudged the hazards of giving you carte blanche."

"You aren't amending the terms of our agreement, are you? I would hate to get this wet and not do something about it."

"The fireplace?"

"No. The bedroom, and don't lose the wings yet."

I watched for his reaction, and he rewarded me with a fascinated quirk of his brows. "Your wish is my command."

We stripped off our wet clothes in the foyer, and Vincent led me naked into the bedroom. The sound of our claws scraping across the wood floor reminded me of Vincent's whippets, but my mind didn't stay on dogs for long. Vincent wasted no time backing me into the bed, where he began dropping kisses onto my face. Although he promised me carte blanche, I didn't stop him, taking the opportunity to imagine him subduing me in his gollum form, specifically that magnificent specimen between his legs.

"I thought we could stay like this for a while and get to know each other's gollum form," I said, watching his eyes for signs of apprehension. I knew my request would have me treading dangerous waters. Up to this point, our sexual exploits had happened the usual way. As humans. Gollum sex had its own set of risks.

"Hmm," he said as he placed a kiss on my nose. "When you say 'get to know each other', do you have something specific in mind?"

"Sex." The word came out on a whisper, making it sound forbidden.

Vincent's eyes moved through a kaleidoscope of colors, from stormy to pale to sterling silver. The signal of an approaching storm. "Do you remember me saying I have a hard time controlling myself with you?"


"Well, that will never change. You are like a bull luring a fighter into the arena. Both know there is a chance of injury, but each is still eager to experience the reward."

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