Different kind of gift (part one)

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~ Imaginary girl ~
Name: Jacqueline or Jay
Age: 30
Mick's age: 73

It was a warm night at the middle of Latin-America. The moon shined brightly up on the sky, and the stars were all over, make the world a little bit more beautiful. It was the end of the Rolling Stones concert in Havanna, Cuba, which means that a lot of people came and saw the band live in this historical event, in this legendary place. Screaming fangirls, young-hearted males, in one word everything you can imagine in a warm night at the desert.

People ran out of the stadion, they tried to catch their taxi, bus or car, it doesn't matter. They wanted to escape, return to the "normal and regular" world, and remember this night as an unforgetable concert. In a few minutes later the whole concert hall was empty, no one were there anymore.
Except only one person...

A light-brown haired, tall girl stood near the stage, she was about twenty-four. She wore stripped shirt, black jeans and a (quite dirty) pair of shoes. This girl wasn't very special, for the first sight she was just a simple fan with a big desire to see her favourite band. With her ocean blue eyes, chalk white skin and red lips she wasn't a tipical "american girl" at all, what more, she prefer looked like an innocent chick from the heart of Europe. Her name was Jacqueline, and she just lived her most beautiful day with the concert.

Jackqueline: (still standing there in front of the stage, holding her own hands. Soft wind is blowing her hair, she's smiling weakly, trying to figure out what she can do)

Suddenly a man with a brown uniform and a wide flanged hat is appearing and looking suprised by seeing the girl.

Man (his voice sounds like a wrong bycicle ring) : Uhm... Girl, what are you looking for there? We will close in a few minutes, you should be near the other fans. I meant, in the city. There's nothing to do there.

Jacqueline is turning around with that kind of fair in her eyes. Her voice is shaking, she can barely talk.

Jacqueline: Oh, how foolish I am! I'm truly sorry sir, it's my fault, I really don't have to be there...

Man (interrupts her): No problem, it happens to everyone. Now please go ahead, the exit is on the right, out of the stadion.

Jacqueline (a bit sad but still behaving): Okay, anyway thank you for your help. Bye...

She's going out of the place with her head staring down. She's moving slowly, her steps are prefer like shuffles. The guard looks at her for a couple of seconds, than he's saying 'stop' to her.

Man: Wait a minute, ms!

Jacqueline (turning around and looking at him neutrally): I'm on my way to go out, I really don't wanna bother your job.

Man: It won't last long. (Walking near to her, when she's stepping back one or two.) Just answer me something, and you are not going to be there long, if you don't want to. (Clearing throat) Why are you still there? Why didn't you went with the other fans outdoors? I wonder which causes make you stay inside, because as I see you are not a cleaner or something like that...

Jacqueline (blushing and bitting her lip): I... I really don't know what to say, I can't find the correct words.

Man: Just speak the truth and nothing else.

Jacqueline (taking a deep breath, looking into his eyes and talking quietly, she's so nervous): There's a person I wanna meet tonight. He's so close to my heart, and I can't express my feelings over him. There's also a lot of things to explain but I think that my time is not enough. In one word I just really want to give him my grate for always being there to me and that's why I'm there.

Man (moving closer, so they are only inches from each other): And... Do you think that I know about him?

Jacqueline (whispering): I think you know him well, better than me...

The man is smiling, than taking a little, easy move; he is removing the hat, shaking his shaggy head, and the girl just can't breathe from the big suprise. With little wrinkles on his face, precious blue eyes and lips like a mailbox he's the perfect man she could ever imagine.

Jacqueline (can barely move from the shock): Mick... Is that you?

Mick (laughing): Sorry, if I was a little weird, it wasn't because of you, I swear, I just thought it would be an easy idea to go out as a crew member, but when I saw you...

Jacqueline (sending a shy smile and raising hands with him): Oh, you wasn't that weird, it's okay, I just have to get used to theese kind of 'scenes'. And I must say that you were so so cute on the concert, no wonder why you are my favourite singer. It's also so new to me to see you in live, in front of me... You know it's a kind of unbelieveable dream came true.

Mick (he's very satisfied, so he is nodding): Yeah, I can totally feel you, the same would be happening to me, if I've ever met with Chuck Berry or Muddy Waters. The big happening by meet with an idol of yours.

Jacqueline: Exactly. I don't wanna be "big faced", but I admire you so so long, you are my madness and passion /Mick is laughing/ , so now I'm literally in heaven to see you. Wait, why are you laughing? (smiles)

Mick (happily): Because that's so cute from you, that you are in a big delight from us. It means incredibly a lot to us, really.

Jacqueline: Guys, you are the biggest Rock'n'Roll band in the world, you deserve all of the happiness and stardom in the entire universe! And I don't 'just say it', without any meaning, I say it with the biggest serious! Trust me!

Mick (still smiling, touching the girl's shoulder): May I ask you about your name? Since you know mine, than I should know yours, don't you think?

Jacqueline: Sure! My name is Jacqueline, but you can call me just Jay, because everyone does.

Mick (shaking her hand): Dear Jay, I'm glad to see you, your name sounds so so beautiful...

Authors note: So I planned this oneshot in one chapter, but than I realized that it would be too long, so I divided it into two parts. The next chapter will be the sequel of the story, I'll update it as soon as I can, so stay tuned!🤘🏻

Preview of part two:

Jacqueline (whispering): How could I be as good as you? You are Mick Jagger, and I'm just a girl with big dreams to be made. I'm just myself...

Mick: That's the point! It's the best to be yourself, because everyone else is already taken. If I were you, I would love every inch of my body. (Caressing her back) Because you are the cutest, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and you deserve to be loved. I... I love you the way you are, my Jay.

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