Chapter One - First Discoveries

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Chatter filled the bookstore as Cercie sat behind her table, a Sharpie in her hand as she prepared for what seemed like an endless amount of people. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves as one of the worker's began the announcement. 

"Thank you, everyone, for coming! The signing for Cercie Greenwood is now beginning!" that caused a minor uproar of chatter before the woman got the crowd to settle again, "Please remain in line! Have your book opened to the title page !" she had finally gotten to finish the statement.

The line began to move and soon enough she had begun to sign. For the most part, it was bland conversations, thank yous and the asking of names, but a few stood out to the vibrant ginger. 

For example and a young boy at one point came up with his mother, telling her how excited he was and how much he loved one of the younger characters in the book.  Of course, she thanked him and wrote him a sweet note before returning the book to his hands. 

After a while, her hands began to tire and most of the small talk became repetitive, yet her voice remained happy and excited because no matter how bored she was she would always do whatever it took to make her fans' day. 

Yet the next fan caught her attention. He was tall, taller than her most definitely. His skin was golden beige and shimmered ever so slightly under the florescent light.  His hair was a dark brown, the strands tangling together and a few flying away while a couple fell into the side of his face.

 His eyes were almost as dark as his pupils, but they baited her in nevertheless. They appeared soft, loving, excited, and God did she want that.  It was easy to see he was fit, as his arms were muscular and she could only assume the rest of him at least somewhat fit as well.

"Hi Miss Greenwood" he spoke, his voice deep and it dragged whatever free attention was left to him, as his voice was like a romantic song without the instruments playing, "Will you sign my book? I really love your characters. They seem real ya know?"

A smile played on her lips as she took his book, pausing for a moment to think about what to write. Making a sudden decision she wrote her number, something about calling her Cercie, before signing her name. 

She slammed the cover closed, praying he wouldn't open in while she was still sitting at the table, since he was the last one. A quiet sigh escaped her lips before handing it over to him, a smile back on her lips. 

"Have a wonderful night, love," she told him, waving him goodbye as he opened the book. She stood, running a hand through her hair as she gathered her things, thanking the workers for staying after hours before heading out into the parking lot to head home. She took a moment to look at L.A. her smile reaching her eyes as she studied the skyline before walking through the parking lot to reach her beige beetle. She unlocked the door and slipped into it quickly, resting her head against the headrest, sucking in a deep breath and pushing her hair out of her face.

She started her car, checking she phone quickly, before focusing on pulling out. The drive home was quick. She watched the individual lights turn to lines as she drove and she studied the sky as it stopped being lit by the sun and began being lit by the city.

Pulling into a parking space in front of her apartment building was the best thing she'd ever seen, at least today it was. She slipped out of her car, taking her purse with her, before locking the tiny thing. She had also never been so grateful to be on the first floor either.

She opened the door to her studio apartment before shutting it behind her, grabbing her phone from her purse before heading towards the bathroom.Right before her shoes could click against the tile she kicked them off, then headed in. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw a text from an unknown number.

Hi, Cercie. It's Mark(the big hunk of muscle) from the book signing. Thank you for giving me your number

She wanted to scream. It had been forever since she was actually interested in someone in a non-friend sort of way and god did she forget how exciting it was. With a deep breath, she began to type her response.

Hiya Mark! How was your night?

She began to undress, removing her top, then her bra, then her jeans, and finally her panties. She roughly ran her fingers through her hair before starting the water when a ///ding///  from her phone caught her attention once again. 

Picking it up she read Mark's new message.

It was badass. I never imagined I'd get to meet you. I mean I did, but I doubted it would ever happen

She giggled softly before putting the phone back down on the counter. She would respond after she washed off the nervous sweat she had earned at the signing. 

Turning on the shower head she slipped in, shutting the shower curtain behind her as the water began to cascade down her body, a quiet moan escaping her lips as she felt her muscles begin to relax. 

Another ding could be heard, but she kept her focus on herself for the moment, wetting her hair than lathering shampoo into it. As soon as she felt it was clean enough she rinsed it out, focusing on her body. She scrubbed it as well taking a moment to shave her pits as well as her private areas before feeling clean enough to slip into bed. 

Sh turned the water off yanking back the curtain before wrapping a towel around her body. She turned her attention the white pumping bottle that held her deep conditioner, forcing it out into the palm of her hand before rubbing it into her hair and scalp. With that, he wrapped the upper back length hair into a towel to dry. 

She considered checking her messages again but decided to wait for herself to get dress, not wanting to seem too desperate. So she pulled open a drawer, tugging flowery panties with a llama on the butt over her legs until they sat properly. Then she tugged on an oversized hoodie and called it good for a sleeping outfit.

In all reality, she just wanted to get to her phone as quick as she could.

Stepping over the single dropped towel, as the one in her hair would stay there until it was almost dry, she sat her bed, picking up her iPhone and doing the pattern for it to open. 

Mark had sent another message.

I know its weird to ask, but would you like to go for coffee in the morning? I can pick you up if you like

Cercie almost wanted to jump around, but he'd never show that even in her own solitude.

I'd love that! Meet at Chico Cafe on 21st Street?

She had decided she would probably want to walk there, as that was her routine anyway. Phone in hand she climbed her way up to the top of her bed, yanking the towel from her head. Her hair was still significantly it, but that didn't stop her from laying it down into her pillow.


She opened her phone like a ninja, praying to God that Mark would agree.

sure Seri. See ya there at 8

A squeal escaped her pale throat as her hands clapped together and she wiggled around in her bed. She had a breakfast date. With a cute, tall guy. And all she could do was pray to the Lord that it went well.

With a final text goodbye, she cuddled into her mattress, tugging her blanket over her, as he deaf puppy came and found her, jumping onto the bed to press against her hidden knees. 

she bit her lip, plugging in her phone, then turned off the light. She took a moment to imagine him again, her brain focusing on his lips. She recalled how thin they were and how his cupid boy was ever so slightly wide, yet neither of those things caught her attention. It was how smooth the pastel colored skin was. She shook her head, disapproving of herself for fantasizing about a man she had barely talked to, before closing her eyes a drifting off into her imaginary worlds.

A/N : I'm so proud of this! A great roleplaying friend of mine did me a huge favor by helping me revise it and I couldn't be more thankful! This is my first ever actual out in the open fanfiction, so I'm kinda nervous about it. Toodles!

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