Taken by a dream demon

Start from the beginning

"Bill, you understand that I have someone else, right?" Mabel sighed after replying.

"What? That merman that left you for a manatee?" Bill retorted with a look of disgust. Mabel glared at him, before turning away with her arms crossed.

You got a good look at him from behind Dipper, he had blonde hair with black at the roots. While they talked, you looked at his clothes. Bill wore a yellow overcoat draped over his shoulder with a white dress shirt with a brick yellow vest on. He had black dress pants on and black dress shoes. A smirk was upon his lips. Bill was rather attractive to you.

"Bill, we know that is not the reason why you're here," Dipper replied in a snarky tone.

Bill rolled his eyes," Well fine, I was trying to be nice but you have an attitude, so bye!" He said before the landscape returned to normal and he was gone.

"Well that was weird..." you say," Mabel? Dipper? Y'all wanna go home now?" You ask her.

"For sure! Let's go!" The twins replied in unison.


(Time skip brought by the Time baby )


You and the twins got back to the Mystery shack around 4. You had to be home around 11.

"What do you guys want to do?" You asked them.

Dipper thought for a second," we could watch a movie," he suggested. Mabel smiled, with a nod, and you happily agreed. You and dipper began to look at movies while Mabel went to grab snacks like Pitt cola and popcorn, etc.

"What about this one?" Dipper asked you, pulling out (f/m).

"Oh heck yes!!" You exclaimed with a jump in excitement. He placed  the DVD into the DVD player and pressed play. Mabel came in and placed the drinks and snacks on the coffee table. The movie you chose had a series, you were excited!

"Wanna help me with blankets?" Mabel asked you, you nodded your head before getting up. Walking up the stairs to their shared bedroom,  you and Mabel began to grab pillows and blankets from their room.

Mabel and you walk down the stairs and place the blankets on the couch. Dipper places (f/m) into the DVD player, as you and Mabel become comfortable.

Becoming more comfortable, Dipper places himself onto the floor next to the couch with a blanket over his legs and a pillow behind his back. You and Mabel situate yourselves onto the couch with many pillows and blankets.

The movie began, and popcorn began to fill your mouth. The buttery sweetness on your taste buds. More munching noises came from the twins as well as you. Your favorite part started, and a smile was plastered on your face.


(Time skip....again brought to you by the lazy author)


It was the end of the movie, and Dipper decided on a new movie. Mabel was awake, with some caffeine in her system she would crash soon enough.

It was Dipper's favorite movie, which included something with monsters and ghosts. You paid not a lot of attention to the movie, as your eyelids began to flutter shut. As you begin to fall asleep, a small snoring sound can be heard beside you.

Dipper continued to watch the movie, his eyes wide with excitement. Looking over at the two girls on the couch, he chuckled to himself. Mabel was out cold on the couch with the blanket wrapped around her, same with you.

He continued to watch, but found himself falling asleep to the sound of the movie. 


The front door creaked open with another being who floated in. Creeping towards the dark living room, they stood at the doorway. The whole house was dark, only a sliver of moonlight shone through the windows from the kitchen. Picking you up from off the couch, you began to wake up but slightly dazed.

The mysterious being looks at you with a smile," Shh.....Shooting Star...go back to sleep." They say, and you were a little confused but very tired. Making no sense to you, your head laid back into the nook of their elbow, and you fell asleep.


Placing you into a dark bedroom trying not to wake you up; Bill looks at you once more before realizing his mistake. He thought it was Mabel but no, it was you.

"This is just great..." he muttered to himself, before seeing you wake up slowly.

You rub your eyes while sitting up in the dark colored bed. "Who's there?" You ask quietly, looking into the room.

"It's me," Bill said before turning on the small lights in the room which creating a low-light. You could see his face, as he sat down on the bed in front of you.

"Bill?" You ask, looking over him once more, only to recognize him once again.

He sighed," Yes, I just can't believe I did this."

"Did what?" You ask.

"I took you by accident..." Bill replied.

"Oh that's nice." You replied casually, not bothered by it.

His eyebrows raise in confusion,"Wait what?..."

"Were you supposedly going to take Mabel? She's told me all about it." You say, leaving him in shock.

"Well yeah..." he said, his cheeks pink with embarrassment.

You chuckle before ruffling his blonde hair," Do you want me to stay here, I could go get her." You offer.

"You can stay here if you want," he said a little blunt.

"Well then leave, you awakened me from my beauty sleep." You said, with a giggle before snuggling into the bed.

Bill smiled at you before walking out of the room, clicked the lights off and closed the door. Walking out, he leaned against the door with confusion in his eyes and a little bit of an annoyed attitude. Why were you so chill about being kidnapped? Maybe you were just tired and totally not thinking about it.

He began to walk away with his irritated attitude but then he smirked. Bill snapped his fingers, causing him to teleport to the room he had just left. Your sleeping form moved every so slightly, you had fallen asleep that quickly. Creeping up quietly, Bill stood next to your bed leaning against the bedpost.

He smiled before kissing your forehead.

Bill began to walk out with a smirk on his face and he closed the door. It seemed the dream demon had feelings for you. 


Word Count: 1524


Bill Cipher x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now