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71. Sing songs from 'Frozen'

72. When everyone is quiet from a teacher yelling at a student, say 'I farted' loudly with a German accent.

73. Fall off your chair and start fidgeting on the ground laughing like a maniac and stare at nothing

74. Get up and open the door then close it. When everyone is staring at you, say 'Welcome to the class, Bob.' Then proceed to pull a chair out for 'Bob'

75. When the teacher ask a question, wave your hand like a palm tree in a hurricane and say "Pick me, pick me!" When the teacher finally calls on you, say "Never mind"

76. Death stare people

77. Bring a notebook to class that says 'Death Note' on the front of it. Proceed to indiscreetly write people's names in it

78. Try to swallow your tongue (Possible, but stupid)

79. When coming back from lunch, eat whatever you haven't already (A guy in my class does this)

80. Play on your phone/iPod

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