When He Gets Jealous

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This is a request from Eirinchan ! Thanks so much~
Ichigo: You were hanging out with Ichigo, Rukia, Chad, Uryu, Orihime, Renji and Toshiro. You were all laughing and joking when you all decided to play spin the bottle. Renji spun the bottle which landed on you. You blushed as he winked at you. Suddenly, you were dragged away by Ichigo, who pulled you into a protective hug.

"You are never playing that again."

Ulquiorra: Ulquiorra didn't even know that it was jealousy he was feeling at first. He just knew he hated seeing you hang out with any other man but him. He even killed a couple arrancars over it.

Grimmjow: Grimmjow got jealous all the time. One day when you were in the human world, a man tried to flirt with you when Grimmjow wasn't looking. Big mistake. Grimmjow saw what was happening and freaked. He grabbed the man by his neck and held him in the air.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?! That's my woman, you dumb fuck! I WILL BLOW YOUR FREAKING HEAD OFF!" He killed the man with a Cero and grabbed your wrist, storming off and grumbling, leaving behind a crowd of stunned people.

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