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I am the great Octavian, the argur of New Rome. And I have been forced into a mortal school. I don't want to be here but Reyna is making me. One day I will be a praetor as well. But until then I have to kiss the sandals of that idiot Frank.

Back to the problem at hand, mortal school. I have got one enemy. She's hated me from first sight.

Her name is Zia. I guess she is kinda pretty, if you like straight dark chocolate brown hair, a girl who can fight for themselves... and the gorgeous violet eyes of Zia Anime.

No, you can't fall for her Octavian. You can't. Not if you want a shot at praetor.

She is obsessed with photography as well. I think that's what just made me snap. I predict the future, really I just make up a whole heap of nonsense and they lap it up. But she tries to capture the present.

I walked through the school in my way to English. The bane of my existence, if only they had Latin and Roman history instead of the Ancient Greek stuff they have, 'just because the gods commanded it'. Pathetic.

An announcement came over the system. "Students first lesson has been cancelled. We have some special people coming to speak to you today. Please report to the gym." The receptionist said over the loudspeaker.

Gods I was surprised when I entered the gym. My old praetor, Perseus Jackson, was standing up the front on stage with Annabeth and their form of an argur, I think they call her an oracle, Rachel. She is ten times worse than Zia because she can enter the Roman camp if necessary. Even if its just to annoy me.

When everyone was seated Perseus, I refuse to call him Percy, stepped up to the mic. "Uh, hey guys... I'm Percy Jackson. I would like to introduce my beautiful girlfriend Annabeth Chase, and our camps oracle, Rachel Dare. Annabeth and I are demigods, Rachel is just a mortal that spew green mist." That got him a few laughs. Personally I rolled my eyes. 'Just get to the point already' I inwardly groaned. "We are here today to talk to you guys about a kind of competition we have opened for you mortals." He looked straight at me. Crap. I knew I shouldn't have murdered the pillow pet. "Octavian. Would you like to join your old praetor on stage?" He asked sweetly.

The mortals all looked at me weirdly. I groaned and stood. "Fine, Perseus." I said. He poked his tongue out at me. Such a child, how could he have ever been a praetor of New Rome. I will make a much better Praetor one day.

"Students. May I introduce this idiot. He's name is Octavian, he's the argur for New Rome and a teddy murderer." He grinned suspiciously at me. "Back to the competition. The winner(s) will get an exclusive tour of our Greek camp. Since I technically represent both camp I would like to say that this will be an amazing opportunity. All you have to do is fill in the three A4 sheets of legal papers, and write in twenty-four words or less why you would like to visit a demigod camp. And Octavian I have a message to deliver from Reyna. "You need to stop messing about in school and get some work done. Or else." Good luck, and mortals you are not to treat Octavian any different from normal, unless its worse. He deserves it after what he did in the war." With that the three of them walked out of the gym.

"So Octopus. What did you do that was so bad?" Zia asked.

"I may or may not have been the reason for the Greek/Roman demigod war." I mumbled. I was technically on probation from the gods. In other words, one step out of line and I would feel Jupiter's' lightning bolt.


Dedicated to Think_inspiration. Thanks for all the lovely comments. Hope you enjoyed your chapter and character. ;)

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