Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Hayes’s POV

My parents were buying a new house in North Carolina. When we went I saw this girl and she smiled at me.

But, when she did my heart started skipping beats. This girl was no ordinary girl, she was… different.

2 days later

I was walking my dog one Saturday morning. I looked down the street and saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen walking her dog as well. I caught up to her and said shyly, “Hi”.

Her eyes brightened up as she looked at me. “Hi” she said. Her voice was beautiful just like her. She had gorgeous hazel eyes and long brown wavy hair.

“I’m Hayes” I brought out my hand to shake hers.

“I’m Gabi” she shook my hand smiling.

“Aren’t you moving in across the street?” she asked

“Yeah. My parents got divorced so my dad bought this house.”

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that”

“It’s ok”

“So how old are you?” she asked


“Oh same” she laughed. Her laugh was so cute. “When’s your birthday?”

“June 8, 2000”

“Your older than me. I was born August 1, 2000.”

I said, “yes” under my laugh but she heard it and laughed.

We kept walking and walking, talking about our lives and each other. I learned so much about Gabi and I really really like her. She never once labeled me as the kid on Vine.

We reached our houses and swapped our numbers and social medias.

But, when she told me her Tumblr it rang a bell. I went into my house. I ran upstairs to my room and went on my computer and typed in her Tumblr url. Then I remembered she’s Gabi Styles on Tumblr. I’ve reblogged her post so many times. Wow can’t believe I actually met her.

I looked down at my phone and saw her follow me on Twitter and Insta. I followed her back.

Then she texted me “Hey, it’s Gabi I see you.” It kind of creeped me out at first, but then I realized that we could see each other from our windows. We waved at each other and kept texting about random things like the weather and trees. Gabi made me happy.

She was awkward but I liked it.

I asked her “Do you want to go out eat tomorrow maybe?”

“Ya I was actually gonna ask you that lol”

“Haha, cool meet me at my house tomorrow at 1PM”

“Kk. I gotta go to dance see you tomorrow”

I was looking forward to tomorrow.

A/N: This chapter is kind of short but i will be making them longer in the future.

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