Whats wrong and more

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Song-Take my hand by Simple Plan

When the bell rang the teacher instantly got up and told us to go to page 153 in our textbooks and read till page 158.It only took about half the time and when everyone was done we started talking about more history as if the paper and reading wasn't enough.The teacher went on and on about some person named Shakespeare and what he did.After class was over and the bell rang nick got up and walked over to me.Nick had art for his third period so he hugged me and left only making the girls daze in amazement.Me,Shy,Kaitlyn,and Emily,headed to our next period which was science and I could not wait because we were dissecting frogs today.

Our teacher Ms.Gruben told everyone to get in groups of two and wash your hands.My partner was Shy and let me tell you when it comes to touching dead things she freaks out.I went over to her desk and sat down while Kaitlyn and Emily were partners.Shy was still mad over something because she kept jabbing her pencil into her folder.

I could not take the noise anymore so I put my hand over hers and she just looked at me then let the pencil fall out of her hand on the table which meant she gave up and was going to tell me. The teacher started handing out the supplies and the frog in a little box.After that she gave everyone instructions and told us to get to work.

I looked over my shoulder to see Emily jumping because Kaitlyn was holding the frog in her face and waving it around.When she did that a piece of the frogs stomach went flying and went inside her shirt.Emily started screaming and some guy in the class was recording it on his phone.The teacher took it up and sent Emily to the bathroom to calm down and clean herself up.

I had to admit I did laugh a little but only because she fainted and landed on the floor.Shy and me asked  Ms Gruben if we could go help Emily and she said yes to it quickly cause she heard enough screaming for today.We got up,pushed our seats in,and walked out the classroom.

When we were walking shy picked up her past as if the bathroom was going anywhere.After we got in the bathroom she started crying and her hair was all in her face.She was slumped over the wall and her eyes were really red.I can not stand to see her cry cause when she cries I will start to cry.

"Whats wrong" I asked her now that she was crying into my shoulder while using it to whip her nose."Its Derek"She said still crying into my sweater."What about Derek" I said because Derek was her boyfriend who she's been dating for a month now and he doesn't go to our school."He..He was cheating on me with some girl named Becka" She said now pulling her face from my sweater and she looked like a mess because her make up was smeared all over her face."Are you sure" I said I could not believe Derek would do something like that but then again you never really know someone till they betray you.

"I went to his house and..and.." She said not finishing her sentence and started crying again."What exactly happened at his house Shy" I said feeling sad and a bit interested in what she was going to say next."I went to his house and opened the door with the key he gave me just in case of an emergency" she said pausing for a breath of air and slowly started opening her mouth."I went inside to his kitchen and put my stuff down when I heard something in the living room so I went to go take a look and" she said sobbing a little more till she calmed down and was able to talk again.

"Him and Becky I remembered meeting last time, and they were on the couch making out while I just stood there crying till they heard me and they stopped" She said but I didn't say anything."I ran out as fast as I could but he ran after me and grabbed my hand turning  around to face him and telling me it was nothing so I told him it was over" Shy said now getting a napkin and whipping her nose.I really felt bad because she never was so good to him and he had to do that to her that idiot.

"Let me help you clean up okay and  well figure the rest out later" I said while she inhaled and nodded her head. "That sound nice" she said then added ''My makeup is probably ruined too'' while she let out a chuckle. I chuckled too but very little because I knew it hurt her to laugh right during this situation. "First not being rude but lets start with your face it looks like all your makeup exploded on your face" I said while she laughed cause I always knew how to cheer her up when she is down.

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