Chapter 1

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••flash back••
Rylee POV
Hi it's rylee I live in a tall old rusty flat with my mother an abusive mother that would push and kick me beat me up I was never aloud out I haven't been to school in about 2 years to school right now I'm 8 I don't think I have ever seen my mother not drunk some times I would be home alone for hours sometimes weeks only god knows we're she's been

so in that time I paint and draw. I go up to my mothers room in her safe and take her alcohol money and go down stairs to the shops below us and by sketch pads , paints and paint brushes, oil pastels , and chalk, I've done that for ages now and got quite good at it I have bought a massive bag to put it in.

•2 weeks later•
I heard the bell ring and I looked through the window and saw too police officers .So I walk up to the door and un locked it .

"Hello young lady were is your mother." He said looking down at me
"I don't know , she has been gone for months now." I said
"MONTHS!" the other woman policeman said
"Then who is taking care of you for these past months" he said

"Myself"I responded looking up at the man
"Ok thank you for your time can we please get your name"

"Its rylee "I said
Then the man took a note pad
"How do you spell that is it like this" he held up the notepad and it read Riley
I shook my head and grabbed the note pad and I wrote

"Ok hunny do you mind if I come in " the woman officer said
"s-sure, am I in trouble." I looked up at the officers
" no darling, but your mother is" she answered bending down so she's my height n
"Oh no imma get smacked ." I said
"What ?"The woman said
"It's were u get beat up , look I have the bruises" i showed them
They gasped in horror

"Ok hunny we are going to go to ur room and going to pack your bags . You are going to live with some very nice people and have lots or room mates and friends"
I smiled, I haven't smiled in ages
Later on we packed everything
I quickly sneezed up to my mothers safe and took about 800 pounds and stuffed it in the bottom of my suitcase then I left , left the house I had horrible memories and horrible feelings

• end of flash back •
So now I'm in the orphanage, I thought it would be more nice . But if we do some thing wrong we get punished we other don't eat for 2 days or we get smacked it's really scary some times but we get pocket money we get a. One pound day and I have been here for 3 years and I have seen all of my other friends being adopted after the first month but I'm still here

So I have saved up £1,895
But personally I think this is the worst orphanage in England but I'm exited because some family is coming so...
Cliffhanger yass bitches I left u with a cliffhanger

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