Chapter Ten - Alone

Start from the beginning

Jack moved towards Patrick and grabbed his life vest, Patrick looked at Jack, "Jack, you don't have to do this."

Jack spoke through gritted teeth, "You're my friend, I'm not abandoning you."

"You won't be able to make it!"

"Yes, I will. I was on the Harvard Swim Team. Trust me, I can do it."

"Alright everyone!" Jack yelled, "Put your lanterns and shoes on that timber."

Jack pointed toward a floating timber. The members of the crew did so, and were even able to put a few non-swimmers on top, but not Patrick.

Once it was all done, Jack pointed to an island, "That island looks like it's about four miles away! We'll go there!"

The crew members gathered around the timber and began to propel it. Patrick drifted off, and Jack began to swim like he never had before.

Britain, 1943

Three Days Since Jack Went Missing

Joe Jr. made his way off the platform, having just completed a flying mission.

One of his friends ran up to him, "Joe! You have a call from your dad!"

"My Dad?" Joe asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing, it's just he usually tells me when he's going to call in his letters."

Joe Jr. made his way inside to the phone and picked it up, "Dad?"

"Joe, thank God I got to you."

His father was whispering and it scared Joe Jr., "Dad what is it?"

"It's Jack, Joe. He's missing."

Joe Jr.'s heart dropped and it felt as if his world was closing in, "What?"

"He went missing a few days ago. Apparently a destroyer hit his boat."

"Oh God, Dad. Does Mom know?"

"I'm going to tell her tonight."

"I told you this would happen."

"I already feel guilty enough, Joe. Don't start with me."

Joe Jr. felt his voice begin to crack, "You knew Jack wasn't healthy enough to fight and you let him go anyway."

Tears were streaming down Joe Jr.'s face, his father began to speak, "Joe, please—"

Then, Joe Jr. used a voice he had never used with his father before. One that was low, and tense. "I have nothing left to say to you."

With that, Joe Jr. hung up the phone and leaned against a wall, his head pounding. He rejoined his friends, who were talking happily.

"Hey, Joe, we're going into London this weekend on leave. You coming?"

"Yes, but I'm seeing my sister."

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