Sparks of regret?

Start from the beginning

            Ron slowly nodded as he looked at his sister, “what’s his name?”

            “James,” Ginny smiled, “well see you then.”

            Ron nodded as Ginny walked away, Hermione followed after not meeting Ron’s eyes.


            “You got the place?” Draco exclaimed as they were sitting around a cramped table for dinner.

            Hermione nodded, “with Ginny’s help of course.”

            Ginny blushed and smiled, “when I can I’ll help out.”

            “Me too,” Harry chimed in after taking a sip of firewhisky.

Hermione looked down at her plate and smiled, at least once a week Draco had been coming over for dinner, it was the only time she couldn’t get away from him without an excuse; she silently cursed Harry for inviting him over. But it was nice to see him, his smile would make her melt and it brightened her day to know that he wanted to hear about her day. As Hermione watched Harry talk about a case they had received, she felt a hand graze hers and looked up at Draco’s soft smile.

            Ginny glanced over a Hermione before looking back at Harry, “we saw Ron at the pub.”

            Harry looked up from his steak and frowned, “why were you in a pub dear? I don’t think that’s good for the baby.”

            Ginny chuckled, “I can have butter beer, but he was reading the Prophet and I told him that I hope he’d show up at the party mom is throwing for the baby.”

            Harry leaned back in his seat, “first civil conversation around Hermione without yelling. That sure is a step in the right direction.”

            Ginny nodded before continuing to eat, the other watched as she seemed to cringe as if being hit by someone; Harry placed a hand on her shoulder, concern written all over his face. “Gin?”

            Ginny waved off his hand and smiled, “just a kick. Nothing more love.”

            Harry smiled and nodded, “if you say so.”

            Ginny took a sip of her water before getting up and washing her dish in the sink, “I’m going to go to bed early. Draco please stay as long as you like,” she said the last part with a wink towards Hermione before leaving the room.

            Draco took a bite of his steak and looked at Harry, “when’s she due?”

            “Almost three months now,” Harry yawned and began clearing plates, “I’ll make you something to take home Draco if you’d like?”

            Draco nodded, “that sounds fantastic. Hermione, when are you going to leave the Ministry?”

            Hermione shrugged, “as soon as I get my shop setup I suppose.”

            Draco handed his plate to Harry and leaned back in the chair, “that was a good dinner. Make sure you tell Gin thank you.”

            Harry nodded, “the dishes are washed I’m going to retire now.”

            Draco gave Harry a nod and turned to look at Hermione, “do you have to go to sleep soon too?”

            Hermione gave a small smile, “I was thinking of talking for a bit more.”

            Draco smiled and leaned closer to Hermione, her heart skipped a few beats as she took in his smoldering grey eyes, “let’s move to the den. We can sit on the sofa and talk.”

            Draco nodded and held his hand out for Hermione before leading them to the small two person sofa in front of the smoldering fire. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in tightly as he sighed, he liked that she didn’t resist but just let him hold her as tightly as possible.

            “I’m going to miss you when you have your shop set up,” Draco gave a sad smile as he whispered into Hermione’s hair.

            She shifted in order to look at him, her hand resting on his chest as she looked up at him, “why would you?” She said with just the same sadness as Draco.

            Draco gave a small smile, “I won’t be able to sit in your office for lunch with you or ask for your advice on a case.” Draco watched as regret and possibly disappointment flashed across Hermione’s face, “I mean that I’ll miss seeing you on a regular basis and be able to talk to you.” Draco kissed the top of Hermione’s head and smiled. Hermione smiled back and laid her head on Draco’s chest.

            “Draco, why is it that you fancy me? I’m a mudblood after all,” Hermione whispered.

            Draco shrugged, “I don’t know how to explain it. Whenever I see you smile my heart kind of stops for a second and its hard to think of something important around you.”

            Hermione looked up at him and smiled, “Draco…”

            Their faces were inches apart, a moment passed before Draco closed the gap; their lips touched and neither one wanted the other to pull away. Draco pulled Hermione closer as the kiss seemed to last for several minuets, in the back of his mind Draco believed it was all a dream but he knew it was real. When they pulled away Hermione’s face was so flushed with color that she gave a soft laugh.

            Draco smiled and coughed, “I think I should get going then…” he watched as disappointment crossed Hermione’s eyes before leaning in for another kiss and standing.

            “Early morning tomorrow you know,” Draco gave a small smile.

            Hermione looked down and nodded, “I suppose….have a nice night Draco.”

            Draco nodded before departing. 


Pssst. Sorry if this ones short chapter...its gonna be a wild ride Sneak Peak anyone? 

             “You should stay.”

             “I really can’t…”

            “Ron actually isn’t here.”

              “then why….you didn’t.”
             “they don’t say I’m mischievous for a reason Hermione." 

             “you tricked me so that you could find out what happened!”


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