2016 NBA Finals- Game Three

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I nearly had to pull Dani out of my apartment so we could make it to our flight to Cleveland on time. The elevator seemed determined to make our trip even longer, as it insisted on stopping on every floor before the main level. By the time we got down, we were minutes behind schedule and I knew I was going to have to speed to get to the airport on time. 

"Wonderful to see you, Miss Sabrina," Our apartment manager, Charlie, says as we walk by the desk.

"Hello, Charlie," I say, hoping he'll get the hint that I'm in a rush and can't really talk right now. He's known for droning on and on to residents. 

"Have you seen your superstar boyfriend lately?" He asks and I'm forced to pull back from my walk to face him. "They are not doing quite so well in the Finals, no?" 

"I'm flying out to see him today, Charlie and we'll get the win tomorrow, you'll see. Now really I have to-"

"You know, this one is much better than your other boyfriend. When he came to see you, oh, boy did it take convincing to let me up there, but when he came to see you do you know what he said to me?" He looks at me so pointedly, I have no choice but to stay, though I clench my jaw tightly to keep me from saying something I'll regret. (Also, I've felt sooo safe here knowing Charlie will just give guys a key to my room if they a persuasive argument.)

"No, I don't know what he said." How would I?

"He said, what was his name again? Something strange and maybe feminine? Kylie? Oh, no! Kyrie! Yes, Kyrie, he walks in and stares me down and says, and I quote. 'Look, I was stupid enough to let the girl of my dreams go, okay? I need to make this right, man. I love her.' It was all very sweet, I assure you."

My heart melts a little at the thought of Kyrie saying that, but it strengthens the knowledge that Dani and I have to go. Now. 

"Oh. Wow, yeah... I didn't know that, Charlie. Now, if you could excuse us, we really have to be going." I grab Dani's hand and practically run through the door to the car. 

"That was a little rude don't you think?" Dani says as I merge through the lanes. 

"It was either that or miss our flight to see Kyri-" I pause. No, that won't work. "To see Kevin." 

"Yay! Kevin!" 

I roll my eyes at her and tap the gas as I merge lanes. 


"We are here on home court, boys. We are here to win. These our our fans and our court and it's our time to shine. Leave everything out there on that floor, blood, sweat, tears. You'll be exhausted by the end of tonight, hell, you'll be exhausted by the first quarter, but we push through it. We are playing for something bigger than ourselves. What we want eclipses us all. Cavs on 3." LeBron bounces up and down as he talks, shaking his head and arms in anticipation. When Finals games come around, he is a whole other beast, like he smells blood and is ready to feast. It's honestly amazing to watch his transformation. 

We get in a rough circle, hands on each other and in the middle. "1,2,3, CAVS." Then comes my favorite part, we bound outwards, ripping the warm up jerseys off and storming the court to the chants of our crowd. 'LETS GO CAVS, LETS GO CAVS, LETS GO CAVS," reverberates around my skull as the chanting grows louder when we make our way to center court. Energy is so real in Quicken Loans Arena, it's palpable. 

"What's up, Ky? You ready to get yo asses kicked tonight?" Draymond says, slapping my hand and giving me a shoulder bump. 

"Go ahead and talk, Dray. We got something for you tonight. Watch and learn, youngblood," I say, a smile on my face as I take a few steps and slap Steph Curry's held out hand. 

"A'ight. A'ight, brother. I see you." I hear Dray laugh as walks around the circle and gets set for tip off. 

Bogut and Thompson step into the circle, positioning themselves for best chance to tip the ball out. Bogut gets a piece of it and send it out to Klay who brings it down the court. I have Klay this possession and lower my body to defend but he kicks it out to Draymond who launches up a three. It falls off to the side and Jefferson comes up with the rebound and LeBron brings it down the court. 

JR was left wide open and LeBron shoots him a bullet pass. Missed. Draymond snakes under the basket and launches it out to Curry for a jump shot that rattles away from the basket. LeBron gets it and passes it out to me before running ahead to set the offense. 

"Yo, Double T," I yell, trying to get Tristan's attention. He finally looks at me from under the basket and I hold up my hand to signal a play. Within moments, he's escaped his defender and come out to give me a screen. I toss him the ball and run to where it's open and he passes it back. Pull up jumper made.

They inbound the ball and Klay comes down to launch up a three. Nope. Somehow Curry manages to get the rebound and I switch off of my man to come up to guard him. I'm just in time because Curry tries to pass the ball in a cocky way and I right there to pick it off. JR and LeBron run ahead of me and I pass it to Smith who heaves it up for Bron. 

Warriors come back down and Klay misses his shot attempt but there is a flurry of Cavs jerseys there to grab the rebound. LeBron brings it down and I look at him confirming our play. He nods subtly and I drive through the lane pulling up short under the basket to receive LeBron's bounce pass and kissing it off the glass. 

Klay loses it out of bounds and we come back to our side and I see Jefferson left completely open and dish it out to him. It's a three. Cleveland leads 9-0

Golden State calls for the timeout and the chants of the crowd grow louder and louder. Draymond takes a few steps towards me before going over to the bench. "Okay, Ky. Just remember the only reason you up is 'cuz our shots ain't falling." 

"That's usually how people accumulate leads, Dray," I holler back, shrugging my shoulders. 

"Stop with the large words, man. We get it, you got yourself an education. " 


That early lead set the tone for the rest of the game. Before the close of the first quarter, we had led by as many as twenty. 

"I like the way we are playing," Ty Lue said in our huddle. "Keep it up, don't settle. I love the way our offense is working but defensively we can still be better." 

And our defense did get better. Golden State kept trying to climb back, but we always shoved their efforts to the side with a steal or a block of defense and a powerhouse dunk or a three on offense. 

We took this game, 120-90. Thirty point win for the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Q is practically rocking with chants and screams. Some are directed at Golden State players but mostly it's chants for us. For what we did. For what we've accomplished. 

2-1 baby, and game four is right back here. 

Always Fighting // Kyrie IrvingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin