Beta Part 1

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   Of COURSE he had to do everything. Thowk was used to the other Wublins always getting him to do the things they decided to not do. This time, it was to ask their creator to replace Creepuscule's little drum plate she'd bang her head on. It split into two during a performance! The worst part? He didn't even know if the creator was home, he IS a mysterious monster anyway (which is what Thwok should've expected) How did he even make the Wublins? Where did the bits and pieces that form them come from? Other monsters? He chose to ignore these questions and focus on the task. He sighed and opened the door to what he heard was the creator's home.

    Thwok was quickly greeted to an area that seemed abandoned. Papers and pencils were littered around the floor, hazards to any unsuspecting monsters, happily walking in just to say hello. "Hello?" he called, echoes following the sudden sound he made. No answer. "Creepuscule needs a new drum plate thing!" Once again, no replies. He grumbled angrily, cursing under his breath. He didn't want to step further into this house that was basically breaking apart as he stood around, he just wanted this to be over with so the Wublins would be able to continue the song, maybe even get their creator to join along! But of course he had to continue his way in here. He trudged further in, stepping and tripping on a few pencils, causing him to stumble or fall.

    Finally, Thwok found an area without anything to trip on. This small area led to a hall, which mainly looked like a darkened maze, turns in every direction, the feeling of being watched would follow you, doors leading to unknown rooms with surprises waiting to be seen. Thwok didn't know how these surprises would be, leaving him worried that he'd be meeting up with some kind of buzzsaw ready to slice him in half. He tried to ignore the thought, stepping into the hall. He turned and opened the first door in this dark maze of a hall. The room before him held a large desk with even more paper than in the entrance, not including the paper cluster pinned onto the wall. The papers had drawings of what seemed to be monsters and bits and pieces of features some of the Wublins had. He grinned at his concepts, loving how goofy they seemed. He got closer to the desk to see the drawings on the wall easier, only to be stopped by a low, groggy groan, which sounded almost painful. He gasped at this sound and ran out of the room, slamming the door in terror. He gasped for air as he started to relax. Finally, he got a hold of himself. "It-it was just in my head..." he told himself reassuringly, his voice still shaky. He exhaled, finally turning back to the hall, seeing which door to check next, even if he wasn't ready to dive straight back into this.

    Thwok stood at the next door. He heard a few soft and quiet sounds coming out of the room. He wasn't ready, but he shut his eyes tight and opened the door, welcomed to murmurs, a few terrified, others in pain. He didn't want to look, even when the murmurs got louder and more painful by the second, their mumbles sounded horrifyingly familiar, despite how distorted they seemed.

    "It...s... a Th...wok..." one voice whispered.

    " looks... fine..." another agreed.

    " us..." another voice cried desperately to Thwok while murmurs were still going about. With the mention of his name, he finally opened his eyes. He was put into silent fear. There was a bunch of Pixolotls in this room, these Pixolotls weren't like the regular one on Wublin Island he'd see, these Pixolotls were deformed, some having extra limbs, others having limbs placed in wrong areas. Thwok stepped back in horror, staring at these failed Pixolotls, begging him to help them, some starting to crawl towards him weakly. Scared, he swiftly slammed the door shut before they even left the room. He felt a mixture of bad feelings lurk inside him after doing this, confused, mainly. Why were there multiple Pixolotls, screaming and muttering for help? Why would the creator have these bunched up in a single room? Thwok tried to focus on finding the creator for replacing that drum plate, but questions raided his mind like ants at a picnic. He didn't know if the creator was here, he didn't even know if the creator would do this, he felt worse by the second, knowing that there would possibly be even worse things soon in this hellhole.

    He tried to stay calm, trying to continue through the hall, shaking with each step. Whimpers and screams got louder the further he got. Shivers ran down his spine as he continued down the hall, his walking turned into running, he just wanted to get out of this place with the replacement pronto, but the hall seemed endless, he had to stop to breathe. A door a few feet away opened, leaving a little light coming out of the crack, the door then quickly slammed loudly. Thwoks fear left him breathless, sudden silence filled the air, he finally started to breath again, shaking harder with each step he took closer to the door. Before he knew it, he was at the door, he could already hear soft whimpers and whispers trying to escape from the room, only ending up sounding blurry. Did he dare to open the door, just to see monstrosities begging him to save them? He took a deep breath and exhaled, already knowing he was going to open this door just to be horrified. He turned the knob, slowly opening the door. The whispers immediately became screams and cries. Thwok was silent from horror, his eyes wide as if he had seen a ghost. There were multiple deformed versions of himself, crying and screaming, mostly scattered words, since all of them were shrieking at the same time.




   Nothing made sense, all of the loudest calls were blanked out by others screaming and yelling for help. He tried deciphering these calls. Behind? Run? Fear struck to him as soon as he figured it out. He gulped, horrified to see what's behind him. He dashed away, already knowing something was following him. The exit! It was his only chance of getting out of this mess with at least some sanity left! He was so close to it, freedom awaited! He knew the Wublins would be upset with him, but he didn't care at this point, he HAD to escape! Then, he felt a sense of self-betrayal. He tripped on his tongue as soon as his hand was near the door knob. He hit the ground, and before he knew it, everything faded to black as a shadow hovered over him.

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