Chapter 1

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It's us! Again!

Chapter 1

Ministry of magic

Head Auror office

There sat a raven haired boy pacing his room. It has been over a year and a half since a prophecy was made.

On the table lay a piece of parchment lying. The prophecy was written on it.

" A tribute to the chosen one

The light return from the first and the second war

The cursed return, his mentor returns

The master of death is being rewarded

The golden trio is being rewarded

All memories are being relieved"

On the table there lay a few other things out of which there was a name card which stated



Knock knock

"Come in!"

Through the door a red head appeared he was panting, it was Ron Weasley Harry's best mate, his first 'friend'.

"Harry, Hermione's parents were found" Ron said.

"Woah! Ron that's brilliant!" Harry said coming out of his thoughts.

"But harry they disowned her!"

Well, that was just Hermione feared off. It had been over 12 years since their memories had been obliviated. Harry had always blamed him for the after effects of the war, though Ron and Hermione had always told him he was not to be blamed. It had always been VOLDEMORT'S fault. He would still be blaming him but there was a so called red head who always talked him out of it. Ginny, that was her name.

"Harry, mate we need to get to her Ginny is with her now!" Ron had got him out of his thoughts.

"Yea Ron come let's leave!"

Potter manor

Godrics hallow

It was a calm place with one bushy haired girl sobbing and the other red headed girl comforting her until the flooburned green and two men appeared out of it.

"Hermoine, come on we can talk your parents into it you are not the one to be blamed you cared for them. Don't worry I'm sure they'll​ understand!" Harry said to the bushy haired girl.

"Oh harry, iv been telling her this for quite some time!" said the red head.

"Ginny, were are the kids?" harry asked.

"They are at the burrow including rose and hugo. Mum and dad are with the not to worry!" Ron answered.

"So, it's it then. Hermoine come we will leave to your mum's place Nothing to worry I'll explain them!" harry said in his auror tone.

"No Harry please I can't take it anymore!" Hermoine said speaking for the first time.

"Hermoine Jean Granger! I said come! Ron summon the knight bus!" harry said in very stern voice which meant no talking him out of it.

So the other three agreed and followed him into the knight bus.

It was within minutes they reached the muggle London. And soon they were in from of a huge manor were the Granger's lived.

Harry knocked the door and was soon granted permission into the house after a lot of talk!

Harry took most of the evening explaining the older Granger's about the situation of the war. Except the horcruxes part, of which he was very sure they wouldn't understand. Later at half past eight the older Granger's looked convinced. From where Hermoine took over and explained about her marriage with Ron , their kids Rose and Hugo. Rose would start Hogwarts this year. And Hugo was a year younger to her. The Granger's​ had a very emotional reunion. Later they all agreed on visiting rose and Hugo the next day.

Harry thought he was done and went off to sleep unknown that there were more surprises for him the next day!

It's us! Alive!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora