Chapter:1 The Begining

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In the begining there was only ocean no land. Then a legendary dragon arose from the ocean called the "CREATOR" . This dragon was the first dragon to ever set flight on the skies of Dragonia. As he set flight islands rised from the seas and floated in to the skies of Dragonia. These islands were special each island had its on unique landscape. The first island was the island of life were all life was given birth. The second island is the island of elements were all dragons can be any dragon they want to be or a place of peace and providence. The third island was the biggest because it was the island of the elders were dragons who have been crowned the king and queen of DRAGONIA. The land were all dragons of all ages would come to see the great thanks for the "CREATOR" some would cry,some would even rejoice, but some couldnt stand this happiness. When the darkness would arise in the land evil would gather in one place VOLCANIA the unspoken island were all evil lies and worship the twin of the first dragon "SALABANDIT" the evilest of all Dragonia the has lived over all legends. That's how all evil was made or balance Good from Evil. But no such evil has arised in Dragonia. So all dragons rejoiced and rejoiced until...


It was the 1000th year founding anniversary of Dragonia all dragons would come to celebrate a thousand years of peace but during the celebration a dragon of mysterious kind flew up in the sky saying "The end of good come to thee the rein of evil will make ye flee" as all dragons were terrified even the majesty's were shivering in fear. All gates to Dragonia were closed so that no evil could get out of the realm. While this event was thus happening the dragon who created it all the CREATOR dragon as it was speaking words that ryhmed that synced with everything it said "All dragons must come with me so th all will not  flee". The Creator dragon said. The Creator spoke while they we're flying

The "Creator" said "Sorry my grate dragons so please do not panic we will find away to banish this evil for good". But one of the dragon majesty's said "What do you want us to do  I do not mean to abuse thee but there is no chance of us beatting all those evil dragons." The king spoke , but the  Creator dragon could not lose its children. They all first did not agree to come because maybe its just another animatronic because there were so many animatronic Creator dragons. Well they still believed the Creator dragon because as it flew up in the sky it created a mist of life that fell in the plant life were the Creator dragon flew. When they saw the life was rapidly given to the plant life all the dragons bowed down to give respect to the Creator. The Creator said " Please you dont have to give respect to me for all you've done for me taking care of my creation dragonia. I would especially like to do something for you as a payment of my gratitude." The Creator said so everyone flew with its. But as they were flying a great darkness approached them as they try to pass through dragons were screaming and some were even yelling help but as soon as they pass the darkness the Creator turned into a misty figure of black smoke covering his full body. As it said the words....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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