A ЂώζЅŧ of Fate ♪ Seventeen

Start from the beginning

“Cold?” He asked.

“Just the hands,” I said.

He grabbed both my hands into his, keeping them engulfed in his heat. For that moment, I felt blissful due to the warmth. But as soon as he released his hands, my hands froze up again.

“Here,” he pulled out his own gloves and offered them to me. “Take these.”

“No!” I protested immediately.

“Take it,” he pushed it into my hands.

“But,” I asked. “What about you?”

“I’ll be fine,” he assured.

Since he was adamant about it, I took it thankfully as I slipped his gloves over mine. They were still warm.

He pushed opened our final barrier to stepping out in the open and a cool Alpine breeze welcomed us. It was a good day and the sun was just nice – not too hot. I ran out into the snow. It had been a while back since I last played in the snow.

“I’m going to make a snowman,” I declared and he laughed at me who was behaving like a three year old child.

After ten minutes of gathering the snow into balls, I managed to shape the body of a short fat snowman. He came over to help me as we made it grow in height. A little kid who was building a snow man next to me, offered me his snowman’s head.

“Here, you can have it,” the little child said. “I’m done with it anyway.”

“Why, thank you very much!” I smiled at him before he shuffled off to join his parents.

We dressed up the snowman in our scarves and my beanie as well as my sun shades.

“Go,” Colin said. “I’ll take a picture for you.”

I lay down next to the snowman, cuddling it since it was way too short.

“Why don’t we take a picture together?” I suggested.

He came over and join me at the side of the snowman; both of us lying in the bundle of snow as we tried to squeeze into the screen.

He helped me up as I was deeply buried in the snow and my breaking into laughter did not help any better. I climbed up onto the small snow slope hoping to get a good view.

“Be careful!” he shouted as he shook his head in amusement.

“Whoa!” I gave a scream as my left foot sunk into the snow knee deep when I took a step forward.

“JO!” With a leap, Colin was next to me. “Be careful!” He reprimanded as he helped me up.

I laughed, “I’m fine!”

He narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

“What?” I grinned.

“You are just like my little nieces,” he broke out in a grin as well.

“I’m going to be a snow angel!” I declared as I plodded myself down on the snow and made waves.

He captured a few pictures before joining me.

“I think my butt is wet,” I complained. “And I’m too comfortable to get up!”

He tried to pull me up despite my unwillingness to get up. “Better get up soon, we got to go.”

“Where are we going?” I pouted.

“Wengen. We are meeting the rest lunch, isn’t it?” He reminded.

A Twist of Fate (1D series - Book one)Where stories live. Discover now