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"(Y/N) and Kevin will be there. Yeah." Veronica said pointing to the two of us reading in the corner of the common room.
"O-okay." Ethel smile to Veronica. Ethel got up and left for her class. Kevin and I followed Veronica out.
"What was that all about?" Kevin asked Veronica.
"It was a cry for help if I ever heard one. The likes of which to never ignore."
"Uh oh. Do we need to sit down."
"Okay, so last year my best friend Katie and I kind of terrorised this girl." She hesitated. "One time we made her drink gutter water."
"Ew!" Kevin said disgusted.
"Why?" I asked her.
"Because, she was there, because we were class 'A' brutal bitches. Anyway, by December, Paige couldn't take it anymore-"
"Oh my god." I gasped cover my mouth with my book.
"Did you drive her to suicide?" Kevin asked scared. Veronica shook her head.
"What? No. But she did transfer schools and went to therapy."
"So now?" Kevin asked.
"So? If I can make Ethel Muggs life a little better, even for one afternoon, I'm going to do it.
"Well uhm." I stuttered. "I actually have other plans." I said to Veronica.
"We know about you and Reggie." Veronica said and I sighed.
"You told us remember." Kevin said in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh yeah! But if something comes up, I'll get you know that I can make it." I smiled to Veronica.
"Have fun sucking dick (Y/N). You seem to be the only one getting it." Kevin playfully punched my arm as I left giggling.

"Just in time." I gleamed. "We're celebrating."
"Archie was just telling us about some super exclusive music program this summer." Kevin added sharing my excitement.
"Maybe. It's amazing. It would be huge if I got in." He said to Betty and Jughead as they sat together.
"Do you have to audition for it?" Jughead asked leaning on his knee.
"Well not exactly, Mrs Blossom said she would put in a good word for me."
"Amazing." Kevin exclaimed.
"Terrifying." I pointed out and Jughead knew why.
"Uh huh, what's she getting out of it?"
"I told her I would take Cheryl to their family tree tapping thing." I took the popcorn bag off Archie and grabbed a handful of popcorn and have the bag to Jughead. "I asked Valerie and she's cool with it."
"Cool with you being a jigalo now?"
"I'm doing someone a favour, doing something for my music Jughead. I need to make connections outside of Riverdale."
"That's the way of the world." I said to my brother. "But Jughead's right. Things always come with a price tag."
"Betty? Back me up here." I told her.
"I think it's a great idea." Really Betty? She always loved it when Archie and I fought.
"Thank you Betty." He said as he glared at Jughead. "Yeah, and while you're there would you talk to Polly for me? Just wanna make sure she's okay."
"Definitely." Archie smiled inwardly.
"Thank you."
"And don't worry (Y/N). I can take care of myself."
"It's your funeral." I shrugged, throwing a popped kernel into my mouth and then throwing a kernel at his chest.

"What am I supposed to wear to a tree tapping?" Archie asked me as I leaned against his desk.
"Archie. What's the same thing that we and Cheryl and Jason have." I spoke as he went looking for some clothes.
"Red hair."
"Exactly." I told him. "Whatever you'll wear, you'll fit right in." I told him and he smiled pulling out a red shirt and a jacket. I can't believe he was actually going to this.

"Look Reg. I gotta go home. Dads expecting me for dinner." I said putting my dress back on.
"(Y/N). Wait. Please." Reggie said putting his jeans back on as he got out of bed. I sat down on his bed and put my shoes on. "I'm sorry about what happened to your dads construction site. If you need any help, anything at all. You know I'm here for you, right?" He said towering over me. I nodded. "Good." He said and walked over to his desk to grab his top he had carelessly thrown away prior our session. "Oh, and don't worry about the necklace-"
"Reggie. Please. Don't buy me a new one."
"You know I am. I want everyone to know about us."
"How's this." I smiled walking over to us.
"We tell Archie in the next couple of weeks, after that, depending on how things go, we'll tell everyone else." I smiled and he nodded.
"God I love you so much." Reggie said wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you too Reg." I smiled pecking his lips and grabbing my things and going.

Dad opened the door for me to come in.
"How was Ronnie's?" He asked me.
"Good thanks." I smiled as spotted the boys having pizza by the kitchen. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water.
"What's gotten you in a happy mood?" Archie asked surprised.
"Oh nothing." I told him sitting down with him and Jughead and took a slice of pizza. There was another knock at the door.
"Mr Andrews. Nice had cut. Looking extremely dilf-y today." Cheryl said. "Is Archie home?"
"Cheryl. Yes. Come on in..." he trailed off before he could finish Cheryl had already walked herself in. She was the last person I wanted to see.
"Ice women cometh." Jughead said and Archie almost chocked on his drink.
"Well if it isn't Harry, Ron and Hermione." She said referring to us three.
"Hey Cheryl." Archie said awkwardly.
"As an amazing thank you for coming to the Maple Banquet with me tomorrow. I wanted to give you this." She said eying my either down like a hawk. She opened the guitar case but I was too distracted by her looks to care what make and model it was. I just knew it was expensive. "In our signature colour. You're welcome." She smirked. "Okay that's all. I'm going now. I'm claustaphobia plays up in small houses. See you tomorrow." She said kissing Archie's cheek and the looked at me.
"Did you find what you lost?" She said referring to two things; my necklace Reggie got me which she broke, and my virginity which I had lost to him ages ago. Why did she have to mention that in front of my dad. I nodded. "Yeah. Thanks." I told her and she skipped out the door. Everyone eyed each other as she left.
"I'd give that back if I was you." Dad said to Archie putting his drink down.
"Dad. Come on. The Blossoms, they're helping me get into that summer music program. Like the best in the country."
"Since when did the Blossoms ever give a crap about you Archie?"
"They think I have potential Dad."
"We all think you have-" dad put his hand on my shoulder to shut me up.
"He's pimping himself out to Cheryl."
"The Blossoms, tried to run our business into the ground."
"Maybe if you try talking to Mr Blossom-"
"I tried talking to him Archie, he laughed in my face. Don't think for a second that the Blossoms are looking out for you. They're using you Archie. They look at us like we're dirt under the shoe, I'm over it." Dad gave up and left the room. Archie looked at the two of us. I shrugged. "I'm going to have a shower and go to bed." I said waving to the boys goodbye.

Kevin just told me about Ethel's father overdosing on sleeping pills.
"Well, where is Ronnie?" I asked and he pointed in the direction of the girls toilets. I ran in and saw Veronica embraced in a hug with Betty.
"Veronica, you have done nothing wrong." I told her hugging her as she pulled away from Betty.
"I almost did-"
"You didn't do anything." I told her and gave her a warm smile. "How was yesterday afternoon?" I asked her.
"G-good." Veronica stuttered as I sat her down.
"I thought you went yesterday." Betty asked me.
"Y-yeah. I did. I had a headache so Kevin took me home early." I smiled to her. Betty smiled back.
"Maybe you could visit Ethel at the hospital her father's in." I suggested changing the subject.
"Bring her some flowers or something." I kindly said and Veronica nodded as she wiped a tear with the palm of her hand.
"I'll come with you." Betty said grasping Veronica's hand.
"(Y/N), you can come too. It was your idea."
"I wish I could Betty. I have another tutoring session with a younger kid. It's his first lesson. I wish I could."
"It's all good. I'll text you how it goes." Betty told me.

I sat in my lounge room with Toddy. One of the kids I was now tutoring.
"What's four multiply by ten?" I asked him.
"Forty?" He questioned unsure of the answer.
"Correct." I smiled giving him a hi five and there was a knock at the door. I check my phone and saw I had some messages from Reggie and a missed call from Betty.
"That's your mother kiddo." I said to the 12 year old boy.
"Thanks (Y/N)." He said grabbing his books and you open the door for him. He leaves with his mother and you spot Archie walking over. You didn't even recognise him.
"Red is defiantly not your colour." You mutter to you as he walks inside.
"I spoke to Polly." He said and my eyes widen.
"How is she? Does Betty know?" I asked locking the door. He shook his head.
"I'll tell her tomorrow."

Archie and I sat on chairs, facing Jughead and Betty in their Blue and Gold writing room.
"At the banquet I heard Mr and Mrs Blossom talking. It sounded like Mrs Blossom was responsible for sending Veronica's dad to jail."
"Oh my god." Betty asked shocked seeing she was with Veronica all last night. "If Clifford sent Hiram Lodge to jail, tore apart his family, then maybe Hiram was trying to do the same thing to him.
"Yeah. They're going after what the Blossoms value lost." Jughead said putting all the pieces together. "Their family, their legacy, that's a motif." Jughead said putting Hiram Lodges name on the his murder suspect board.

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