Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: How do I title things

"Oh no, oh no, thiS iSn't Good." Alchemyst muttered, sitting back up. "I couldn't have... I Shouldn't have..." She clicked on her moirail's handle. Professor Layton fandom, also known as PL. Well, she ought to be up.

-alchemyBook [AB] started pestering puzzlingGames [PG] at 9:26--

PG: Hey ALch!

AB: PL. I muSt tell you SomethinG, promiSe me no one elSe will hear thiS.

PG: Sure???

AB: I think, aS I cannot remember the laSt niGht, I did... erm, SomethinG with PR.

PG: Does that mean what I think it means? Go you, ALch!!

AB: Are you kiddinG me.

--alchemyBook [AB] ceased pestering puzzlingGames [PG] at 9:32--

The blond sighed. Sometimes, PL could be really... not sensitive.  "Well, I GueSS I ouGht to juSt not brinG it up to PR... don't want to worry him, do I? Well, if it did take, and... well, I'll just have to wait and find out, won't I?" She leaned back once more, staring at the handles on her list.





She cringed when her eyes brushed over the last one. "I'll have to tell him at Some point... I juSt hope he won't be mad then."

-To Be Continued (ehehe, Sheila.)

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