"Had To Be Dyson"

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The next book that Im going to recomend is Had To Be Dyson.

"Had To Be Dyson"

"It had to be Dyson who was working the late shift at the Subway in the mall's food court with me during the storm. It had to be Dyson that was locked in the closet with me when everybody evacuated the mall. So now it's Dyson who is trapped inside of the North Winchester Mall with me."

Tyler is a simple girl with a simple job. But her and Dyson, her co- worker do not get along. He is arrogant, immature, and a pervert. So what happens when they are both trapped in the mall during a snow storm with only each other for help and they need to rely on each other to remain sane and alive? Along with all of the stress, Tyler and Dyson start uncovering dark secrets about each other's lives that they never would have suspected.


~This book is written by: """"" writterbug44 """"""


~My thoughts about the book:

I fell in love with this book like omg guys this is a freaking GOOD book, like I totally suck at describing stuff or something like that so Im not going to like try to tell you everything about the book,  you should read it because the book is AMAZING!!

Read it and tell me what you thing about the book!

 I put the book cover image in the media thingy! :p


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