I walked home carrying my books when I spotted Jughead sitting at the steps to our home.
"You can come inside you know." I told him climbing up the few steps to or front porch.
"It's all good. Just waiting for Archie."
"It's gonna get late soon. Be careful Jughead."
"Will do (Y/N)." He said as I entered my home. I stayed in the living room on my home, keeping an eye out for Jughead outside. Reggie kept sending me messages about the most recent homework we got and if I could have my notes. 

Reg 🏈: Can't you tutor me tomorrow. Then we can spend some more time together.

Me: Reggie, I wish I could. But I'm tutoring the elementary kids tomorrow. I'll see you during the day. I promise 😘.

Reg 🏈: Good, because I have something for you

Me: Can't wait. Archie's home. Gotta go. 

I locked my phone and walked to the door just as Dad opened it.
"Hey Jug. Coming in? We got take out from Pops." Dad insisted.
"He was just leaving." Archie sneered. I raised an eyebrow at his language at his friend.

The next day, school was pretty boring to say the least. No one was catching on about my relationship with Reggie. Archie would occasionally bring him up, but hey, they were mates yet they hated each other- do you see the position I'm in. Reggie sat with Moose on the common room when I walked in.
"Hey (Y/N). You still tutoring me after school. yeah?" He asked in a show-off-y way in front of Moose.
"Yeah." I nodded acting like I wasn't really interested in what he was saying. Everyone gathered around the common room. I sat across from Reggie and Veronica sat on the arm of my chair.
"And Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent." Reggie started puffing out his chest. "Cause I want Blossom dead when he was the only good quarterback we had and speaking of offence tight ends, should've sent the cops to you Moose." He said looking at his best mate. "Here's another unsolved mystery." Oh god Reggie. What are you about to get yourself into? "What exactly were you and Kevin doing at the river, huh? Or does being with the Sheriffs son give you a free pass, Keller?" Reggie said looking at Kevin. I put my head down in shame. I can't say anything.
"Reggie's just being a blowhard Kev." Betty said to Kevin who was next to her.
"I don't care what he says." I noticed Archie inserting money into the vending machine and Jughead by the side.
"I mean, let's think about it if a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock, right?" He said and passed the football to some team mate. "No, let's be honest, isn't it always some spooky, grotty, internet troll too busy writing his manifesto to get laid." You're lucky you're getting laid yourself right now Reggie. "Some smug, moody, serial killer boy freak." Reggie continued. Then it was like a light bulb went off in his head. Don't say it. "Like Jughead." He blabbered. "What was it like Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason. You didn't do anything to the body like after?"
"It's called necrophilia Reggie. Can you spell it?" That was a good one Jughead. "Come here you little-" that fired him up. I watched Reggie jump over the seat. Before I could do anything my brother stood in front of Jughead before Reggie tried to hit him. I put my hand over my mouth. I can't believe him. Trying to hurt Jughead, what if he hurt Archie?
"Shut the hell up Reggie." Archie said pushing him away.
"Boys." I stood up hopefully demanding an explanation. Hopefully one of them would listen to me.
"What do you want Andrews?"
"Nothing. Just leave him alone." Reggie took a step back. "Holy crap. Did you and Donnie Darco kill him together? Like some blood brother thing?" That got Archie's blood boil. He threw the first punch. I reached for my brother or boyfriend, which ever one I could reach first, but Veronica pulled me back. Archie got knocked out cold. I groaned. Reggie turned around and high fived Moose.
"What the hell Reggie?" I asked him.
"I didn't mean to knock him out, it was just some rivalry fun, wasn't it Andrews?" He said referring to my knocked out brother. I shook my head leaving him standing there. I bent down and checked my brothers pulse and tried to help him regain consciousness. I felt Reggie reach for my shoulder.
"Fuck off." I spat.

I sat at the island bench as Archie mended his black eye with an ice pack. Dad walked in and joined us.
"Ooo I'd hate to ask this, but do you get that in a fight with Jughead?"
"Jughead wouldn't hurt a fly." I said to him.
"Nah. It was with Reggie. It's a long story. Jughead and I were disagreeing about a girl."
"Hmm." Archie took a deep breath. "Theres this girl-"
"There usually is. Please tell me you guys didn't fight over (Y/N)."
"No way. That's gross. Anyways. But it's not about me and Jughead, it's about me and this girl. I think we should do something-"
"I don't wanna here this." I said covering my ears. "And it's the right thing dad, but the girl says that, if we do, or if I do this thing, it'll ruin what we have. That doesn't make any sense, does it?" He questioned. I was just as confused as my dad. Is this about Betty? Bro, I'm having troubles, not you.
"This is the most honest talk we've had in a while, and I'm glad you wanna do the right thing, I can see that, even under the shiner." Dad mumbled and I took the ice pack off Archie and placed it gently over his eye socket and rubbed his muscular arm. Reggie's are bigger. "Archie, if you know it's the right thing to do, even though it's tough, even though it might, it might cost ya, you gotta do it." Dad nodded. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I walked out of the room and checked it.

Reg 🏈: Can we meet up before the game? I want to apologise.

Me: You shouldn't be apologising to me. You didn't hit me.

Reg 🏈: I know I didn't hit you, but I hurt you, please, I want to make it up to you 

Me: You're lucky I love you 😘

Reg 🏈: Love you too babe 😁

We made it to the football ground. I snuck around the locker room and waited for Reggie.
"Alright Reginald. You wanted to apologise?" I said as he came over.
"Yes. I want to apologise to you. I've been the worst boyfriend in the world. I know that, but I'm going to make it up to you. I hope you're not doing anything this Saturday, because my parents are away again and Olivers going to a mates place. I want to cook you dinner and shower you."
"Shower me? How?" You asked him.
"Well I didn't have a chance to give you this beforehand." Reggie smile pulling out a chain from his pocket. A small 'R' hung off the end of it.
"Reg, wow, it's-"
"You don't have to wear it, I just want you to have it." Reggie smiled and engulfed me in a warm hug. "I'll take this, as long as you promise to stop teasing my friends and stop fighting with Archie."
"I promise. Anything for you angel." He said and brushed his hair out of his face with one flick.
"Thank you. I love you so much." I whispered in his chest.
"I love you too." He said and lifted my chin with his fingers and we shared another passionate kiss. We pulled away.
"Oh! Also, Jughead knows."

I walked out and spotted Jughead talking to Archie smiling. Oh thank god they've made up.
"You guys all good?" I asked Jughead as Archie left.
"Yeah. But you gotta tell him soon or later." Jughead nudged me. "Your brother beat up your boyfriend-"
"Reggie knocked him out cold."
"Still, a you're lucky to have a brother and a guy like that to stand up for you."
"You've stood up for me numerous times." I told him as we began to find spare seats to sit.
"Oh also, you know Reg can't spell necrophilia." I laughed at Jughead.
"I know." Jughead nodded. "And I know you didn't kill Jason. Heck, we all have our suspicions." I shrugged looking around the football field.
"So, how long?" Jughead asked changing the subject back to Reggie and I.
"Since Cheryl's party, last day of school last semester."
"Huh. You've got secrets and I've got secrets." Jughead chuckled.
"You bet we do." You smile to Jughead.
"Oh also, Archie and I are going to Pop's after the Pep Rally, wanna join?" Jughead asked.
"Jug, I have a boyfriend."
"You know what I mean (Y/N)." Jughead rolled his eyes.
"Thank you for your offer, but I should probably go home. I've got a bit of catching up to do. I've got to tutor some idiot that can't spell necrophilia this weekend." I said to Jughead and he laughed.

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