Lock The Doors

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Hey guys :p
I know most of my stories are from Google,but this one is not..so yea 🐳🐳💕


One day,my parents went to work.So,I was home with my maid and my siblings.
When it was around 9pm,we all went to bed.
Since my younger Brother slept in my parents room,my maid went to sleep with my younger Brother while my other Brother I slept in our room.

I tucked myself in bed while my Brother was already sleeping.I was about to fall asleep when I heard the front door opening.I thought that it was my mom coming home from work so I just dozed off.
Several minutes passed and I didn't hear my mom go inside her room.So,I thought she was eating outside.
I was waiting for her to go in her room. But,she didn't go in.
Why does Mom take so long to eat? Doesn't she have to change her clothes? I thought to myself.
Being very curious,I got out of bed and headed straight for the door. I turned the door knob and carefully peaked out of the door.
And I saw a dark shadowy man standing there,looking at me.I quickly shut the door at ran to my bed.
I told my mom what had happened. And, well, she told me a murderer was on the loose.
She told us that when she came home,the front door was opened. We had forgotten to lock the front door that night and now,I will always lock the doors.

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