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We walked for a while until the bell rang, it was time for Biology.  

"Ugh..Biology" Maria mutters.

"Did you finish pages 26-30 last night?"

"Wait we had homework?!"

"Maria! Did you seriously forget?! I even wrote it on your hand to remember!" I face palm myself.

"Scusa, I forgot..wait..."


She takes out her biology workbook. 

"Ahh..I did do it! I think it was History that I forgot to do!" She laughs.

"I'll help you. At least we've got it last period, we'll have plenty of time" I smile.

"Thanks! Shoot! Let's get to class! We're 8 minutes late!" We rush.

Miss Rolanda, has already gotten the work sheets settled in front of her desk. She stands up, grabs a chalk in her right hand and starts drawing up the date. The class is dead silent. Like the place was deserted. Some people were on their phones, computers and the artists just sketching on tables and notebooks. We quickly sneak in class and get to our seats. 

"Late again..." Miss Rolanda drops the chalk and turns around. I swear she has eyes at the back of her head, freaky.

"Yes Miss Rolanda scusa" I puff.

"Si, it won't happen again!" Maria apologises.

The teacher gives us a cold hard stare, turns around and continues to write on the board. We look at each other, and sit down. 

"It's okay bambinas...I'll let you pass this time. But next time will be detention" She hesitates.

"Thank you Miss Rolanda!!" We both cheer.

"Okay class, I hope you guys finished last nights homework." I turned to look around the room, some people looked red in the face. 

~time passes~

"Good job class, tomorrow we move on to Genetics! Where we learn Genotypes and Phenotypes! Have a good rest of the day!" Rolanda rubs the board. 

Everyone stands up and packs their things up. We all move out the door, moving to our next classes. Maths was next, we're learning about Algebra. The teacher is new, he can be a bit of a chatter box, a bit..

"Hola class! How is everyone doing? Did you all enjoy your first classes? Also everyone is looking bright today! " He stands up and looks around. "Loving the look Derek!". See what I mean?

"Why thank you Mr Roberto! I guess I do look good" He looks at me and winks. I roll my eyes. 

"How's everyone today class?" He looks outside then back.

"Good thank you Mr Roberto.." The class sounds dead. Some kids in the back fell asleep.

"Where's the enthusiasm?! Come on people, why is it that-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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