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         Him and I were walking. Holding hands as we crossed the bridge. He lead me to a cherry blossom tree and told me to close my eyes. When I opened them back up, he wasn't there. He was gone. I turned in circles hoping I'd find him, but I couldn't. I began to panic. Where could he have gone? I screamed. I cried. I ran. I ran until eventually I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I stopped to take a breath and collapsed to the ground. As I lay there staring into the sky, a man appeared above me. It was him. Or at least it looked like him. I couldn't tell. Everything looked like a blur.

      I jumped out of bed and screamed out for my Dad. He ran into my room asking me what the nightmare was about. I told him and he said everything would be okay. This wasn't the first time this had happened. We were in a car crash when I was younger and ever since then I've had these terrible nightmares. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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