Chapter One.

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[Brie Bella & Daniel Bryan's Hotel Room]

The WWE will have their show here in Connecticut and they just arrived from a 12-hour plane ride. Daniel & Brie just got the key cards to their room and they were still jet lagged. Daniel tiredly unlocked the front door and they stumbled inside their hotel room, Daniel closed the front door and locked it. He tiredly carried Brie to the bed and he fell beside her, since it was still 6 am, they decided to take a rest. A few hours had passed and a knock on the door was heard, Daniel woke up and went to answer the door. He unlocked the door and a 20-year old man stood in front of Daniel, he grinned at Daniel and Daniel grinned back at the young man.

Daniel: Can I help you?

Young Man: Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon wanted me to give this to you. *hands Daniel a piece of paper*

Daniel: *takes the piece of paper and hands him a $20.00 dollar bill* Keep up the good work and there's plenty more where that came from.

Young Man: *smiles and takes the money* Thank you so much sir and whenever you need help, you can always count on me. *walks away*

Daniel closed the door and unfolded the piece of paper, it was an invitation card.

Dear Daniel Bryan,

Good evening to you. My father, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, is turning 63 this year and I would like you to come and join this festivity. Next week on Tuesday, AJ Lee's tour bus will come by your hotel and pick you up. The party will start Tuesday Night, At The McMahon Mansion. There will be lots of fun things to do there so I hope you will come, many WWE Legends & other superstars will be going to this party. Thank you and I hope you will come to this fun party. ~Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

Daniel folded the paper again and grinned, Brie approached him with a cup of coffee for him.

Brie Bella: What's with the grin? *smiles*

Daniel Bryan: *hands Brie the Invitation card*

Brie Bella: *hands Daniel the cup of coffee and takes the letter, reads it slowly*

Daniel Bryan: *takes a sip from the cup of coffee while smiling*

Brie Bella: *finishes reading the letter and squeals* Oh My God, I am going to meet WWE Legends!

Daniel Bryan: *nods* Yup. Should we go?

Brie Bella: *looks at Daniel in disbelief* Are you kidding? Of course we are! *hugs Daniel*

Daniel Bryan: *chuckles and hugs Brie back*

Brie Bella: *squeals* Just one more day to go!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Day Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Brie Bella: *phone call with Nikki* Did you receive the same invitation from The McMahon Family?

Nikki Bella: Duh, I'm a WWE Diva you know and the letter I received said that every WWE Superstar are invited.

Brie Bella: Are you going with John there?

Nikki Bella: I want to but I'm not going...

Brie Bella: Why not? *pouts*

Nikki Bella: He's a kill joy, as usual. *sigh*

Brie Bella: Give the phone to John Cena!

Nikki Bella: *hands John the phone*

John Cena: Hello?

Brie Bella: Listen here Cena, my sister wants to attend this party and she's not going because of you!

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