You don't know... ( Portgas D. Ace x reader )

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" why are you always so reckless?! "

" ow! hey, watch it! "

this was the 5th time just in a space of a month and a half that you were tending to him.

harsh and as fiery with emotions surfacing you as you were, a rougher touch as fingers finished the last details, the bandage's fabric wrapped around the male's  top half of the arm, lips bitten at the harsh movement pressing further into the wound he had acquired recently.  You sighed in contempted disappointment but also obvious worry: you knew the 2nd division commander was known to go all-out and in a flashy manner, not much careful of consequences nor of his surroundings... being an opposite towards this confident behavior of his, of course it was a thing intercepted as a quality at times from your part, (and one of the reasons you fell for him ) but at times, he could really make you suffer in anxiousness with every injury he came back with.

He was no child, or novice for the mater yet sometimes you couldn't help but wonder if someday this would be the source of his downfall...much worse, the cause of his own ...

Shaking your negative thoughts out , you wouldn't bear to have something as awful to happen to him, in consequence leaving your heart shattered into tiny pieces. No, he was strong you could trust that, ...still, he really needed to stop being so reckless at times.

" If you had been more careful I wouldn't have to be doing this! So, don't complain! "

" I had to do it! you weren't there to see it anyways..."

a displeased pout and the curl of eyebrows as he turned his face away from your gaze for a moment, whilst you raised from your seat to gather the medical kit and lock it away in the drawers once more. He was irritated but deep down he was actually happy that you would be concerned for his well-being ...although he had to say you often behaved like a motherhen every once and again...

" i don't need to be there to know our second division commander doesn't bother at all with the consequences at times... "

" tsk. "

tsk all you want, if you knew how many times i lose sleep over the fact you could come back twice as injured as from the last time ...

Returning from the medical counter, your hands were on your hips, (e/c) orbs staring down at the fire-fist pirate in a very disapproving tone. Being , after all friend of this man proved to be a challenge when he kept endangering himself without need to - and that only made you feel both awful at yourself for having to sermon him like that ( when after all, he was your commander, even if not from the same division but still higher in rank) and pained because you wished you'd not have to seem like the bad guy here. That was not your intention(s) at all.

" ...Promise me. "

" Promise what? "

" You won't come back without as much as a scratch next time. "

Ace blinked for a moment before looking back up at you. Surprisingly, your tone was not as brash as usual like an old grumpy lady warning their grandchildren ( why did he remember Dadan now? )  but it was more somber, aching, defeated. was he worrying you that much? did you not have faith on him after all those times he returned in one piece?

Oh great, now i am feeling like a complete moron. I'm such an asshole.

a moment of silence, the freckled male's tone was low in volume and regretful, he knew that he couldn't possibly promise something he was not sure if he would be able to keep. even he had to admit, considering his missions and whatever implications that would follow, he would never know if sometimes a minor scratch or bruise would appear on his body, he'd rather not lie about it.

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