chapter two

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hyuna had eventually crawled into the backseat with hui and fallen asleep, much to edawn's dismay. hui's head was rested against the girl's, his eyes closed. the older male turned on the radio, hoping he would be a bit less bored with no one up front.

he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and continued driving. as they came up to a gas station, around 3 hours into driving, edawn pulled next to it. he stepped out of the car as the two in the back woke up. the car was filled up with gas as the three opened the trunk and opened the case.

the small amount of morning light shown on the large sum of money sitting in the briefcase. the three looked to each other then closed the case, then the trunk. hui took the nozzle out of the car and got into the backseat once again.

the car's clock read 4:25 am.

"what are we going to do with all that money?" hyuna asked, knowing that it was more than any of them could spend in years.

the two boys simply shrugged.

"we can use it to get out of here, this country. we can go somewhere no one would ever expect." hui stated.

edawn nodded in agreement. "but first, we have to find a place to dump him...then a place to stay for tomorrow night. none of us are gonna be able to get out of here if we don't get some rest."

hyuna pointed out that a sign they just passed said there was a motel nearby, so edawn drove towards where he guessed it was. as they were driving to the motel, they passed a large cliff that connected to a large body of water.

"this would be a good spot." one of the two boys stated. they pulled the car over for a moment as edawn and hui stepped out to dump the body.

hyuna was slowly becoming more calm with the situation as the boys threw the only evidence that could never get her caught. the two stepped back into the car and they started for the motel again.

but little did the trio know, there was a witness.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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