Chapter Twenty Eight

Beginne am Anfang

That's true but I don't play

You watch its just as fun Hermione

Yeah that's true could you stir my potions well I write this paper

Yeah, of course, hermione!

We finished class ever so quickly Hermione and I walked to the quidditch pitch she smiled as I carried my green and black Nimbus 2001, I smiled as we walked getting closer,

Youll do great scarlet!

Thanks, Hermione

We went our separate ways and I went to the Slytherin team seeing a few of them Marcus Flint. My Fellow captain, fellow Chasers were Montague and Warrington. Derrick and Bole were Slytherin's Beaters, Miles Bletchley kept his place as Keeper. I smiled looking at them they threw a few comments my way,

Ready to catch that snitch!

Don't let potter get it!

Don't let Gryffindor win!


Soon the game had started i flew up into the sky, looking arounf i flew up into the top watch Harry it was hard playing against my friends, i looked around and watched carefully waiting for the golden snitch to show its self looking up several mintues went by well waiting fior the snitch as i saw a glimpse before Harry had i took off after the snitch flyin around in and out of the pitch i tried to keep forcing my self to keep going, for some reason budgers were going crazy trying to hit everything and everyone but soon i didnt understand i was just about toe catch the snitch as i leaped fromy broom draco used Confundo i royally got confused still grabbing the snitch and winning the game but i fell to the ground from high up into the sky Dumbledore yelled

Arresto Momentum

My body fell slowly to the ground but not slow enough as i fell to the ground i screamed as the snitch poped out of my mouth and and the announcement went one


No one cared for my own safety but dumbledore, my father, and friends I had in any other house the Slytherins didn't care as madam Pomfrey took me to the infirmary I knew George was worried at this point I was worried to not exactly sure what was going on as madam Pomfrey walked over

Scarlet, how do you feel?

Fine Madam Pomfrey, my ribs just hurt

She sighed

Because your ribs are shattered again Im sorry Scarlet but you're going to stuck in the infirmary until the end of school


Yes you will e bedridden so that your ribs will heal properly

Thank you, Madam Pomfrey

Do you know who did this to you and your broom

Yes madam Pomfrey I have an idea of who it was

Who dear?

Draco, Draco Malfoy

I sighed and slept for several weeks from a sleeping potion Madam Promfrey gave me to help me be in less pain then i was in, waking up i spotted George and my father walking in together i guess they were here to vist me, they smiled as they seen me awake and walked over to my as George sat on one side my father on other my father looked at me,

Malfoy, was the one that cursed your broom, action from the Ministry is being taken against him, but with his father being in the ministry i dont know how well it will go

Father..thats fine i dont care, draco will get whats coming to him in time dont worry about me ill be okay

Its not okay your ribs are shattered again just like in your fourth year!

dad stop please I'm fine madam Pomfrey said by the end of school ill be all better and fully healed

Fine, but dumbledore has given you full grades for this year don't worry about anything, I better get to potions class

George looked up at me as my father walked out to go to potions class I was going, to miss doing all my classes I was doing to completely miss everything, I sighed as George looked up at me and kissed my forehead.

Its going to be okay Scarlet, dont give up

I wont Georgie

Good, only a few months and we will be back at the Burrows dear

I know georgie you know how much i like my classes im just going to miss them a lot

I know but get some rest you need it Scarlet

Okay thank you Georgie for coming

Anything for my wife, my world, my everything

I love you George

I love you too Scarlet

I soon fell asleep and only felt george peck my lips and walk from the room i soon didnt even remember much as i fell asleep i didnt know how long i was asleep for but my dreams reminded me mine and Georges wedding, i smiled and twisted and turning in and out, I finally woke up and looked around Madam Promfrey came administered ny medience as she smiled at me

Dumbledore is here to see you

Thank you Madam Pomfrey

Ah, Mrs Weasley Im glad i could come visit you

Well im glad you did Headmaster

Id like to let you know Mr Malfoy is being punished for what has happened

Thank you professor

Any time Mrs Weasley

Is ther anything else you would like to tell me Professor?

Yes, there is actual

I am well soon not going to be around, things with the dark lord are going down hill, but just remember no matter what happens there will be people here for you

Thank you, Professor

Months had passed and soon it would be the end of the school year, I rested for months my ribs were finally healing and I was getting back to being heathly, everything was finally working out in my favor, I couldnt of been happier.

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