Danger is Near

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Anne waited impatiently on the unmarked road, pacing back and forth, until she saw the dull light of a candle.

"Diana, oh, Diana, you will not believe-" Anne cut herself off when she saw the tears running down her best friends face. She grabbed the candle from her friend and placed it down on a flat rock. "What's wrong?"

"I thought you knew," Diana chocked out, "I thought that's why you called this meeting."

Anne shook her head, "I've been outside all day, what has happened?"

"Carrie Zerrin was kidnapped this morning, from her home," Anne pulled up the picture of Carrie in her mind; beautiful, black, hair, a round face that never showed a frown. Her eyes were an emerald green, darker than Anne's. She was a shy girl, who kept to herself in school, she sat a few rows behind Anne. "This is the second girl this month, Anne. Someone is kidnapping women in Prince Edward's Island."

Suddenly every gush of wind was caused by someone, Anne's stomach dropped out of her body, she grabbed onto Diana, who had started to cry again.

"Alright, we have to stay calm, go back home, immediately. And," Anne blew out the candle, "no lights. Lock the door, I'll come see you first thing tomorrow." Diana nodded.

"Be safe, Anne," Diana threw her long arms around Anne's neck.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Anne pulled away and ran through the woods. Her ankle hit a rock and Anne fell with a soft moan. She picked herself up, and hobbled on. The walk over here was pleasant and serene in the pale moonlight. Now, the moon was a beacon of danger, the soft breeze was now a ghostly hand pulling at her hair. She went into the mindset of Jane Eyre; Jane would not be afraid of the moon or a little wind. She would be sensible, Carrie Zerrin lived on the other side of the island, and she had only gotten into town recently. There was no reason to panic, the kidnapper wouldn't be hiding in the woods, especially these woods. It would be too easy to see in the daylight. But she wasn't in daylight now...she hobbled faster.

Her heart didn't calm down once she reached Green Gables, she locked every door, closed every curtain, then went back through and locked each door again.

"Heavan sakes, Anne, what are you doing up so late?" Marilla scolded, "haven't you heard what happened this morning. I forbid you from leaving this house after dark, do you understand?" Anne nodded and walked forward, she had forgotten momentarily about her ankle and went crashing down to the floor. "Goodness, girl, what happened to your ankle?"

"I tripped over a rock that wanted me to get captured by the kidnapper," Anne said pulling up her skirt slightly for Marilla to examine.

"I doubt a rock would want that of you, but what were you doing out so late?"

"I went to see Diana, in our secret hideout. I hadn't heard about Carrie, I was in the field all day with my journal and then..." Anne drifted off as her boot came off, her ankle was twice the size it was and a ring of red marked the place it hit. She sucked in air as Marilla turned her foot. "Then Gilbert Blythe confessed his love for me."

"I'm going to wrap it, and tonight I want you to raise it up with a pillow while you sleep, it will be uncomfortable but...wait, Gilbert Blythe? The boy you hated in school?"

Anne rolled her eyes, "I may have hated him then, but now...he's...different."

"Boys aren't just different. Be careful, Anne. The men in this town are not the best, you can find far better," Anne smiled, "now, go to bed. Elevate your foot, try not to put so much pressure on it. Goodnight, Anne."

"Goodnight," Anne said, hopping up the stairs on one foot. She undid her skirt and blouse, her hose, and other shoe all sitting, she also said her prayers on her bed, she thought God would understand her predicament. She prayed for Carrie Zerrin, and her family, and she prayed that she would not be a victim of these crimes. She also prayed that she would still be able to see Gilbert tomorrow, and finally, she prayed that maybe she would find her true feelings for the boy inside of her.

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