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I'm sorry that I'm not just right

I'm sorry that I tease

I'm sorry that we sometimes fight

Could you forgive me please?

I know that you've moved on

But I will always miss

The way you would join me in song

Just to be dismissed

I know that while we drifted apart

You made new amazing friends

But I thought, in my heart,

That our friendship would never end

I miss the way you smiled at me

But fought with Anna just the same

I miss the way we laughed so loud

and let Anna take the blame.

But when we move to college

I hope you find someone

Who will try on dresses with you

And is also a size one.

I know it sounds like I'm saying goodbye

In a way I already did

I miss you more than I could ever let on...

I guess it's my turn to be dismissed.

You see, I didn't want to say good bye

And it feels like you got me wrong...

Because you were my friend

Through thick and thin, all along

And I hoped we'd stay in touch

I really didn't want you to leave me

And I know this isn't much....

But the last thing I have to say is:

I still  love you, Emily.



I changed the whole thing because I am petty and I miss my friend and I've been trying to shove that into my past and forget it but... no.. I couldn't. I miss her and things will just never be the same. Anyway.... Hope you enjoyed this poem (whoever you are).


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