Run Away And Attack

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You run through the forest, tripping and scratching your self along the way. The shouts and yells from your foster parents come from behind you, but you don't turn back.

"Stop, you little rat!" yells your foster parents.

You keep running, disobeying their orders.

"Y/n, stop!" yells your foster mom.

You ignore them and keep running. You quickly climb a tree, making sure they don't see you. You sit on a branch and hang onto the tree trunk for dear life. You see your foster parents zoom past you. Soon, you hear nothing but silence. You slowly creep down the tree and head the opposite direction your foster parents went.

Your name was Y/n L/n. You were an orphan being taken care of two very messed up foster parents. Your only friend was named Grover Underwood. He knew about your foster parents, but what he didn't know was your run away.

You decided to go to Grover's house. As you walked down the street, you could see a black dog walking behind you. It seemed to be growling. You've seen these dogs quite often, and you knew the true monster behind that cute little fur ball.

You held onto the rings on your fingers. These weren't just rings. They were weapons. It's one of the things your father gave you when you were still young. He must've known that you would be attacked by monsters.

You ran into the woods and the dog raced after you. Soon, he was five times bigger. You, being short, had to look up. You pressed onto the symbol of the rings on both your fingers. Piles of sharp knives came from your fingers like Wolverine. The huge dog lunged at you, but you dodged and slashed at its face. It roared in pain and swiped you back with it's paw. You grunted as you hit a tree. You bolted up when the dog jumped at you. You rolled under it, stabbing his gut. It dissolved into a pile of golden dust.

"Bad dog," you said.

You panted and looked up. More giant dogs seemed to have come from the trees. You put yourself into a fighting stance and glared at the dogs. You ran to the nearest dog and caught him by surprise, leaving you the advantage to slice his head off. He dissolved into more dust. Soon, you were fighting off all the giant dogs. As you fought the last hellhound, you felt a tug on your gut, telling you that there was a lake nearby. All of a sudden, a giant wave grab the hellhound, giving you the advantage to slice it.

You stood in a pile of 3 inch golden dust and water. You pressed the symbol in the middle of the knives and they piled back into a ring. You stepped over the dust and thought about running into the forest, making sure you didn't attract anymore dogs. But before you could, someone grabbed your hand and spun you around.

"You are defiantly a daughter of Poseidon," said the person in front of you.

Grover Underwood.

"Grover? What are you doing here?" you asked.

"Hold it, hold it. You just killed 8 hellhounds by yourself," he said. "You know how big that is? You know what, we need to you to meet Percy - woah."

"What?" You look up and see some sort of glowing trident above your head.

"I was right!" Grover cheered. "You're a daughter of Poseidon."

"What?! I don't understand," you said.

"Come on. I'll explain on the way. Right now, we need to get you to summer camp," Grover said.

Then, you were being dragged away by Grover.

Words: 593 (Not Including This)


Thanks so much for reading! This took FOREVER! Anyway, enjoy your day and I'll try updating Saturday!

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