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Words cannot explain how horrible this event was. It was an act of pure evil and cowardice. It was awful and I can't begin to describe how I feel about it. The fact someone intentionally target an Ari concert, knowing fully well that young girls would be there is so so evil... I honestly have no words. It is such an awful thing, I don't even think I can describe it. Innocent lives were lost. I can't begin to imagine how the families must be feeling at the moment. To go out to a concert and not come home. Those people would have been having such an amazing time before it was ruined in an instant. They were meant to be put to have fun and have a good night out. Not to have their lives ruined.

''Tis is such an awful event. The world we live in is so cruel. T is awful sometimes. Truly awful.

To those affected; I wish I could say everything will be fine. But I really can't. It was an act of evil and inhuman cowardice.

ISIS say they are acting in the name of Islam. But they're not. Muslims are not violent people: they have anti violent teachings, just like every other religion. In fact, in their holy book it says once you have killed you are no longer a true Muslim. What I am trying to say is that we cannot blame all muslims for this act- we can't say they are all members of ISIS and hate them because of that. There are a small number of extremists who say they are acting in the name of Allah, but they aren't. To blame the whole religion is wrong. We don't go around saying all Germans are Nazis, all whites are KKK, all Irish are IRA. So we can't say all Muslims are ISIS.

Ariana Grande couldn't have done anything to prevent this, so please don't blame her. I know she blames herself for this act of pure evil but there was absolutely nothing she could have done. The person chose to target that crowd and that was terrible of them. Ari couldn't have stopped it so please don't blame her. She is already distraught about this so please do not hate on her because of this and make her feel even worse.

I really can't put in words how terrible this is. It is just so awful. I cannot imagine what those people who were affected are going through. It's truly awful. My heart really does go out to all those affected and I really hope that you will heal over time if you have lost someone. This event is awful. Truly awful. Targeting children is wrong. Wrong.  So wrong.

This world we live in. It is a cruel place.

Those 22 people who have lost their lives were innocent. Completely innocent and didn't not deserve this. 

I really want to write Down how I feel but I can't describe it. It's awful.

Young children. Targeting children, it's awful. Too young. All of them, way too young. Innocent lives, taken way too soon.

It is just so awful. Truly terrible.

This world is obese again in a dark time. I hope light will shine through again soon. I really do. It is just so awful. People's lives were shattered the moment that bomb went off at 10:36 PM in Manchester on Monday the 22nd May 2017. It is just awful.

It has been truly amazing how everyone has come together after this awful attack. Everyone is standing together and staying strong. It is so amazing to see.

This event has really put everything into perspective. I know I will not hold grudges against anyone anymore, because you never know what could happen to them. Like those people, they could go out and never come home and that is truly awful. So, they might have done something to hurt you. But you wouldn't want them to go out and have fun, only to have what happened to those poor, innocent people at that concert... would you? I know I wouldn't, whisk is why I have stopped holding grudges. You may have fallen out. You may think that that person, whoever they are is horrible. But trust me, no one deserves that. If that were to happen to someone I know who I don't like, I would never be able to forgive myself if they were hurt or killed. I beg you to forgive, to love, not hate.

I ask you please to do something to make a difference. Give money to charity. Do something small. Spread love not hate. Help make a difference in this cruel world.

I send all my love and my heart to those affected.




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