Chapter 3: Awakening

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(The next day) Akira's P.O.V.

I hope Y/n is fine. Ryuji keeps asking me if I liked Y/n, No I can't have a crush on Y/n. We've just met yesterday. Anyways, I keep hearing rumors about,"Y/n is getting bullied by a boy named,"Ren Kamoto." I wanna see if that's true.

(Your P.O.V.)

Soon as I get to school, people are staring at me and whispering about me. I'm used to it, but sick of the rumors. I see Akira and Ryuji walk over to me. "Good morning Y/n-San!" Ryuji said. "..." I stayed silenced. I heard a girl whispering something to her friend. "Kamoshida was right, she doesn't even talk" "Yeah, she acts like she's on mute." It was that...ASSHOLE!!! KAMOSHIDA!!! HE STARTED THE RUMORS!!!

I ran to the girls restroom, when I heard the boys call for me,"Y/N! COME BACK!" After two minutes of crying, I finally went to class.

(In class) Akira's P.O.V.

I hope Y/n is alright, well she seems better now, because I'm sitting right next to her. I wonder who started that rumor anyways.

(Your P.O.V.) After school, in the food court

I walked over to Akira and Ryuji. "Hey guys." Ryuji had a confused look in his face. "U uh...n nevermind, anyways we should go to the castle today and guess what Y/n" "You fight like a girl" I joked. Ryuji glared at me. "S shut up! It's not that" he said. "Then what!?"

"Ryuji gots a persona now" Akira said. At least someone skips to the point. I turned to ryuji and said,"*sigh* oh my! Am so jealous of you" I said sarcastically. "Tch, whatever...are you coming?" Ryuji asked. "Yeah, but I'll stand aside for now...I might get a persona" "Alright, it's..." Ryuji was cut off by another voice, that sounds like...Morgana?.

"Do you know how much trouble I went through to find you two!" He said. "That voice? Where is it coming from?" Ryuji said. "Right here!" Morgana yelled. "Morgana is that you? And why are you a cat?" Ryuji said. "UGH! I'M NOT A CAT! I just happened to look like this" Morgana yelled. "Ok ok, jeez...u um how did you get yourself in the real world?" Ryuji asked. "I have my ways, besides I don't need a phone" he said.

"Ok besides that! Can anyone understand you?" Ryuji said. "That cat is near by...I can hear it." One of the teachers said, before they walked off. "Well that answered my question" ryuji said. "You guys going back?" Morgana asked. "Yeah! I can't wait to take down Kamoshida" ryuji said. "You guys taking down Kamoshida? Let me help!" Ann said. I don't see why not. "No it's too dangerous!" Ryuji said. "Please...Shiho tried to kill herself, I want to make that asshole pay!" Ann pleaded, but still Ryuji said,"No!" He said harshly.

Ann ran off. I feel bad for...she deserves to get her revenge. "Aww, poor lady Ann" Morgana said. "Way to go ryuji...You didn't have to be that harsh to Ann" I said. "Yeah, but it's for her own good...but enough of this let's go." "You should get in my bag, somebody might see you" Akira said to Morgana. "You're right." Morgana got into Akira's bag. "Nice and cozy." We walked through the school, going to the rooftop, when Kamoshida was walking this way. Act fast. "Guys, I'll catch up to you guys later." They knew what I was talking about and went without me.

"Hello Y/n" Kamoshida said. "Yeah..." "You want a ride?" Same answer NO! I shook my head meaning 'no' "Alright then, you should be careful around that transfer...he's dangerous" Akira isn't dangerous and isn't a perv like you. "O ok..." Was all I said. Then he came closer and whispered something in my ear. "I hope that Kamoto guy doesn't get to your would be a shame if you were...hurt."He threatened, Then he walked off. "Asshole..." I muttered. Luckily he was far away.

I walked to the rooftop and saw them waiting for me. "Hey, what did he say?" Ryuji questioned. "That. Asshole. Is going. Down..." Many emotions are running through my mind right now. "Ok then, let's go." We took out our phones and went to the palace. I looked at ryuji and said,"Cool outfit ryuji" I complimented. "The names skull" he said. "We have code names now, Am Mona, Skull, and Joker" Morgana explaned.

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