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Four Years Ago

Despite their best efforts to hide it, I can hear my parents crying quietly in the corner of the room. They think I'm asleep, but I've been awake long enough to hear the doctors say that they'll have to remove my left leg. The cancer had spread, and this was the only way they could save my life. My mother, through her sobs, is trying to figure out how to tell me while my father consoles her.

I've known for awhile that there was a possibility that I would loose a limb. A doctor told me when I pressed them on it. I was devastated at first. I thought of how I'd have to relearn how to walk and that it'd be difficult. It would mean more misery and hardship for me. It would mean I'd have to learn a new way of life, one that's much different than the one I currently have, or the one I used to have before the cancer diagnosis.

I've made peace with it all, however.

Losing my leg could mean me being able to finally leave the hospital. It would mean that my parents, who have been suffering with me, could finally start to heal. They could be happy again. I haven't seen them genuinely smile in a very long time. They've certainly tried to be happy in front of me as much as possible, but I always see the sadness in their eyes.

They're losing hope, even if they won't ever admit it to me or themselves. Their words of encouragement used to bring me comfort, but I've begun to hear the hollowness in their words. There was a period of time that I resented them, hated, even. They weren't the ones having to go through chemotherapy. They didn't have to deal with the constant fevers or the hair loss. They didn't feel like throwing up after eating or even after drinking water.

It was slowly making me lose the will to live. I probably would be dead by now if it wasn't for my best friend Francis. For period of time, he was the only reason why I wanted to live. I don't know what made me change my feelings towards my parents. Maybe it was just me realising  that I didn't want to die resenting them. I didn't want to leave this world with feelings of anger and hatred. I'm not sure I'll ever know the reason, but what I do know is that I have to live now. I have to live so I can see my parents smile and be happy again.

Anything I'd have to go through to achieve that goal would be worth it.

"Margaret, sweetie, are you awake?" my mother's soft voice calls out. She must have noticed how my heart rate picked up since I woke up. I couldn't hide it, so I slowly opened my eyes, stifling a fake yawn as I did so.

"Hi Mom," I say. I pretend not to see her red, puffy eyes, or her cheeks that are wet with tears.

"How're you feeling?" I don't answer, but I know my mom didn't expect me to. We fall into a silence, interrupted only by the sound of the ECG. Dad eventually walks over to me with an equally sad look on his face. I look between the two of them, trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm going to lose my leg, aren't I?" The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. There's a part of me that feels bad for being so blunt, but I'd rather just get this conversation over with.

"How did you—"

"It's the only chance we got if you living," Dad says, interrupting Mom. "We could always not go down that route, but the likelihood of you..." he trails off, not able to finish his sentence. His voice was shaking with emotion.

"It's okay," I say, slowly reaching out to my parents. They both hold onto my hand and I feel a little comforted with this. "The doctor told me awhile ago that this could happen. I'm fine with it."

"Daisy, are you sure?" Dad asks, his eyes watering.

"We can always try something different, it doesn't have to be be this way," Mom says, clearly wanting to try and give me another option.

"If it means leaving this place, I am sure," I say, feeling exhausted again despite having just woken up. "I want to see you two smile for real again. If this is what it takes for that to happen, I'll do it."


I decided to completely rewrite this little prologue. The writing made me cringe a little as I read it over again. I hope you liked this updated version, and I will try and get the next chapter out this week!!

Peggy √  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now