Chapter 1

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Niall Horan was done with his life. God took seven days to create the world. Niall destroyed his world in less than seven minutes. And only needed seven seconds to end his life.

In one hand he had an amount of pills, he didn’t know how many they actually were, he only knew that they were a lot and that they would, certainly, kill him and end all his problems. On the other hand, he had his cell phone, ready to call 999.

Everything started in the previous day, when Niall did a bad deal at the LIFFE and was fooled, losing everything he had. His boss didn’t like that at all and fired him right away, without paying him anything.

Niall wasn't very happy, actually, he was super angry and got out of the work, driving home in is car at all speed, which made him lose control of the car and made him crash against the wall of the tunnel where he was passing.

Fortunately, Niall didn’t get to hurt and, some hours later, he was able to leave the hospital, but with a fine for driving way too fast and a car who couldn’t be fixed. The only thing that he had left was his fiancé who should be waiting for him on that moment totally worried.

Niall loved her, they were going to marry in two days and, on that moment that was the only thing that could put a smile on Niall Horan’s face.

However, when Niall got home, he didn’t see his fiancé, at least not in the living room. Nothing could be heard on that house, it was like no one was there… no. Niall could hear a awkward sound.

What’s going on? Niall thought.

As he was getting closer of the bedroom, the noise was getting louder and Niall could distinguish soft moans and a male husky voice saying random phrases. Niall stopped when he heard the voice of his fiancé moaning the name of his best friend, Zayn.

When Niall opened the door, he couldn’t believe what his eyes were showing to him. In the bedroom he and Saphira, his fiancé, had spent romantic nights was now his fiancé and his best friend. The place of love and surrender was becoming, now, a place of betrayal.

Saphira was betraying Niall with Zayn, his best friend, on their bed, on the sheets where they had spent a night of love the day before. Saphira was betraying Niall’s love and Zayn his (Niall) friendship.

Niall couldn’t control his tears and, since none of them both had noticed his presence yet, he decided to go to his office, open the drawer which was only unlocked in emergency cases and take from there the gun that was the cause of death of Zayn and Saphira.

Niall fell on the floor, he didn’t knew what had he just done. Seconds later, he could hear sirens, so, he took the savings for the honey moon and decided to run, not just because he didn’t want to be rested, but because he simply didn’t want to be there.

He didn’t know where to go, but still, he got a taxi and asked to the driver to drive to furthest hotel he knew and that how, four hours later, he got out of the taxi and got into the hotel where he is now, seated on the floor, about to end with his life.

With his hands shaking, Niall dialed 999 and waited for someone to pick up the phone, which didn’t take more than three seconds, he counted himself.

“999, what’s your emergency?”

“I need an ambulance.”

“Your call is being transmitted from 37th street, London, am I right?”

“Yes, its room number 13.”

“What’s your emergency?” The lady that was on the other side asked once again, hoping that this wasn’t one of those stupid tricks.

“There’s been a suicide.”

“Who’s the victim?”

“I am.”

“You know you can’t play with serious matters. In this moment someone may be waiting for an ambulance, fighting between life and death and you’re playing tricks!”

“I’m about to commit suicide… don’t you think that’s already a fight?”

“Please sir, calm down, an ambulance is arriving in… half an hour, don’t do anything you might regret.”

“I’ll be dead, can’t regret.”

“Please… your call will be transferred, calm down and don’t try to do anything, an ambulance is already on their way.”

So... I get the inspiration to do this story from Dear Agony by Breaking Benjaming [OMG! *--*], so you might recognize that speech from 7 Pounds haha :p

imagine how Niall got when he found out his fiancé with Zayn - pic on the side :(

@boobearboxers (yes, I changed my twitter user ^^)

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