Chapter 2

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OK chapter 2 legooo :)) Sorry I’m a weirdo!!

Chapter 2

      I didn’t even have to wait in the long line. Considering how hot I looked, I had no problem getting in. This is the coolest looking club I’ve been to. Neon lights flashed everywhere and the music was just right. I probably looked like a kid in a candy store right now.  I slowly walked around taking in my surroundings. I was surely going to have a blast tonight!

 Shots came on by LMFAO featuring Lil Jon. Instantly, I went into the throng of dancing people and started dancing.  A few more songs went by until I felt thirsty. I went up to the bar, hoping to get some alcohol without being carded, considering I’m not old enough to drink.

          “Can I help you, miss?” The very sexy bartender asked me.

          “Yes. Can I get a Long Island ice tea and your number?” I asked playfully, twirling my hair around my finger. He smiled at me, showing off his pearly whites while preparing my drink. Just as I went to grab the drink, he pulled it away from me with a playful smirk on his face.

          “Ah ah ah,” he said, wagging his finger at me. “Aren’t you a little too young to drink alcoholic beverages?”

“Well, aren’t you a tad bit young to be working as a bartender?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow. The guy looks about my age or younger.

“Yes indeed. Don’t say anything or my father will get in a lot of trouble. Plus, it’s only tonight. One of the bartenders couldn’t make it,” the handsome guy said in a hushed tone while handing me over my drink.

“So, what’s your name, good-looking?” I asked while sipping my drink.

“Gabe Zelder. What’s yours, gorgeous?” I downed my drink before responding.

“Carson Manning,” I replied.

“Well Carson, how about in 20 minutes, I can show you what a fun time is?” Gabe winked suggestively.

“Ok now. Don’t you disappoint me,” I pouted playfully, walking away giving him a nice view of my ass, as I swayed my hips from side to side. I made my way to the dance floor and started dancing by myself, letting the music take me away. After a while, strong arms wrap around my waist, moving in rhythm with me. Once the song was over, I turned around to see a smirking Gabe. 

I gave him a seductive smile before crashing my lips to his. It didn’t take long for him to respond, as his lips began to move with mine. Things were getting very hot and heavy so I grabbed Gabe’s arm leading him to the ladies restroom. Once in the stall, we couldn’t keep our hands of each other. In the back of my mind, this felt wrong but, screw it! I was here to have fun and let loose. And that’s exactly what I did.


“Hey, Carson. Thanks for the good time. Maybe, I’ll see you around sometime,” Gabe said as he walked away from me into the crowd. I can’t believe I just did that. The normal me wouldn’t do this, but Carson would. I argued back and forth with my mind all the way home. I stayed in the car to change back into the outfit I left in, before entering the house.

“Hey, how was the movie? You’re getting back kind of late,” my mom greeted me at the door.

“It w-was great,” I managed to choke out.

“Alright. Well go on up and get some rest. You look tired.”

I nodded and went upstairs to go to bed. It’s been a long night. I’m very frustrated with myself. What I did with Gabe wasn’t me, I was just caught in the moment. I know it this may sound stupid but for once, I wanted to feel in control of things since my life is controlled by my parents and what they want to do. Maybe I went about the situation wrong, but for a split second, I felt as if I controlled what was happening. Letting sleep take over me, I snuggled under my warm blanket and fell asleep.


(Monday morning)

          “Rise and shine, sleepy head. It’s your first day at Creek Hill High School,” my mother said while searching through my closet for an outfit. I stifled a yawn before helping her pick out an outfit for me. We finally decided on a fitted floral dress which came to just above my knees, with black wedged ankle boots and a black ringmaster jacket, to top it off. Once she left, I showered, curled my hair and applied a little bit of make-up.

 “Alright honey, I will see you later. You can take the car,” Mom said to me.

 I said my quick thank you and grabbed the car keys.

Hopefully, this will be a normal day, I thought to myself as I drove to my new school.


“Okay, I have your class schedule right here, Miss Manning?” The pretty secretary smiled at me while handing me a bunch of papers that I required.

“Thank you, uh…”

“You can call me Laura,” she interjected, flashing me a bright smile. I smiled back before walking off to my 1st period class. Since I had had to go the office, I walked into the class about ten minutes late. Everyone stared at me like I was some odd creature. 

“You’re late,” the older looking teacher informed me monotonously.

“That’s because I’m new and had to get my information from the main office,” I said a tad annoyed, earning a glare from my new teacher.

“Well, I’m Mrs. Cowles. Now, take your seat next to Mr. Zelder at the back of the room.” All the memories from the club came rushing back to me, causing me to freeze up halfway to my assigned seat.

“Go on now. I have a class to teach!” Mrs. Cowles screeched, snapping me out of my trance and scurry to my seat. Well, that was a warm welcome, I thought sarcastically as I sat down, trying not to focus on the eyes piercing the back of my head.

“Psst!” Gabe whispered not so quietly. I pretended to ignore him, hoping he got the message that I didn’t want to talk to him but he only got louder each time he tried getting my attention.

“What do you want?” I whispered, not so quietly because it’s bad enough I had sex with him in a bathroom and now I have to face him again in school.

“Well, I just wanted to give you a warm welcome,” he smirked deviously at me. I shot him the nastiest look I could muster before turning back around in my seat. Great, I’m being punished by the gods for my sin. This is NOT going to be a normal school year after all.

Ok this may have a few errors because I tried editing it myself but, I have an editor now so I will have her edit :) Thanks for reading Vote, Comment, and Fan if you’d like :)))

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