Claimed on a Full Moon

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Claimed on a Full Moon

Vanity Greene has never been out of her house her entire life. Her parents held her captive, tortured her, and barely fed her. One night, she escapes and unleashes a new world.


I've never been the type to wonder, but today, I was. What was it like to be outside this cell? My parents had thrown down movies every now and then, but it wasn't the same as reality. I've only seen The Last Song and The Notebook. I doubted that I'd ever be swept off my feet.

Every once and awhile, I was thrown a grammar or spelling book; sometimes a dictionary. It was rare, though. Most of the time I kept to myself, in the corner of the room.

I'd pee in the toilet next to me, shower under a hose they put next to it. Brushed my teeth in a sink next to that. I was thrown soaps once a month. Two bottles to be exact; I had learned to keep a calendar.

The steps started creaking and I hid myself in the corner under my blanket. I knew it was useless, but maybe they'd think I was sleeping. Every step that came toward me made me shake. I bit my lip, tasting a fluid I recognized once a month. That once a month was a constant toilet sitting. Keys jiggled and the doors opened. There stood my father.

He beat me more than they usually do, and when he left, he told me I was the reason mom had died.

I didn't know she had, I told him. He beat me more for that.

When he left, I took a shower, and put on the newest clothes I had. Mother had bought me a new dress last week. I never wore it, but tonight, it seemed right. Mom had died, so I honored her by crying in her dress.

The dress was floral and was knee length. I took a brush through my hair and it dried my naturally curly hair. I had realized that there was a key inside of the dress's corset, and I thanked mom for taking pity on me. I opened the lock, and got a flashback.

I got up from my seat and hugged my mom, I was only eight. She kissed my forehead and ran out the door to garden. She always gardened on Wednesdays. Dad had came up to me and took me to his room. He said he had a present.

He had tied me down and violated me. Mom came in and she helped him beat me for the first time. He said I was too tempting, that I had also taken mom's makeup and put it on to be sexy. Then, I was locked in the basement.

I still don't understand why mom believed him; but I do remember seeing marks all over her body too. So, I figured, she had the same done to her. I walked up the stairs and creaked open the door.

Flashbacks off the house came to me as I tip-toed to the front door. I went to mom's purse and took all the money she had and her credit card. I grabbed her shoes in the closed and heard snoring in the living room, so I knew I was in the clear. I ran upstairs and into their room. More flashbacks flooded me, but I refused to cry.

I went to their closet and grabbed a suitcase and filled it with mom's clothes. I knew I'd need them. I went to the bathroom and grabbed women's shampoos and soaps.

I opened the door and walked out, making sure to close it tight. I ran across the yard and into the road. I didn't know where I was going, but I sure wasn't going to stay there.

I ran to the train station and got tickets for the earliest train. It was taking me to Florida. When the train arrived, I practically ran onto it, choosing the first seat available.

For the first time in a long time, I felt happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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