Daisuga: 12:51

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I hope you like this! College AU angst of Daisuga and Suga's worried why Daichi hasn't come home in 3 days and finds out he's cheatinf on him with some other girl.
Suga's POV:
I'm worried. Daichi hasn't come home in three days already and it's making me worried. I've tried calling him and he won't pick up. I also tried asking our old Karasuno teammates if they had seen him but the answer is always the same. I'm calling Asahi right now to see if he saw Daichi around.

"Suga? Why are you calling me?"
"Yea, Suga-san, why are you calling Asahi-san?"
"Is that Noya I hear? Don't be so suspicious, Noya, there's nothing between Asahi and I. I just wanna ask if either of you had seen Daichi in the past three days?"
"Hmm...Daichi? I think I haven't. Noya?"
"....OH! I think I saw him around Tokyo's...the bakery near Nekoma Highschool?"
"Tokyo? Why would he be there? And why were you there?"
"I was asking for some tips about being a libero from Yaku-san, okay?"
"Okay, arigato, Asahi, Noya."
"No problem, Suga-san!"
"You're welcome, Suga."

Call ended. Why would Daichi be in Tokyo? How did he even end up there? Hm, let's pay him a visit.

Noya's POV:
"Asahi-san? Was it wrong? To lie to Sugawara-san? I mean, he'd find out anyway, but..." I said. Asahi frowned. "I know, Yuu. But I guess fate just has to make this happen." I snuggled closer to him. I feel bad. Why, you ask? Well,

I was walking with Asahi-san in the streets of Tokyo to Nekoma. Asahi had no collehe classes today and Karasuno had no classes too! So I wanted to go to Nekoma for some libero tips. We had just gotten to the gate of Nekoma and was about to go in.

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