The Walk

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(Ok so kinda odded out on what to name the title, maybe going through writing it first will help, hopefully I have a title before I post :) I don't wanna be one of those boring chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3 people lol, but it may come to that o--o. lol I just might cry XD. BTW picture is Mark~~)

Ok not the weirdest day but not the sanest one either. After class he kept following and talking to me, even while Mark was with me, Mark wasn't to happy. He held me close and kept his eyes heavily on Eric, which ones the stalker now. "Hey Jas I'll give you a ride home if you like." Mark meant Jasmine get in my car, you are not walking home with him, wow my choice wasn't needed, right? "Umm no I'm okay Mark, I think I'll walk with Eric, if that's okay with you Eric." I turned my head slightly to look at him and he smiled and nodded. "Yeah sounds good Jas." Mark tightened his grip slightly then let go and stormed off to a car and gave me a small peck on my cheek right before he left.

"Wow someones a great lover." Eric chuckled behind me and I turned fully towards him "shall we go then?" I stepped forwards slightly and he started slowly following in suit right next to me. "So your my new neighbor?" I looked around at the trees swaying in the wind, it was almost summer somewhat windy but still warm. I loved the summer, especially when the wind is blowing. It always is just so pretty to watch the trees. "I know right." "What?" I turned to look at Eric with a questioning look. "Um you was talking aloud Jasmine." Wow I didn't even realize it, hmmm I wonder how much I say aloud. "It's ok Jasmine don't worry. You are right the summer is nice." He smiled sweetly. "But I love the fall."

We kept walking and I couldn't help but think about what he said, fall, why fall. It's just dark-ish and gloomy, and so mucky. "Hey Jasmine how long have you lived here? Have you ever moved?" I pondered a bit on why he would ask such a thing but I just left off with it just him being curious, I guess any new person would. "Umm not that I knew of. My parents said it was my grandparents house and it was the house they got married in." Also the house my neighbor had visited everyday, till the last day before she left. I miss her sometimes. I do wish she could come back, but no matter how hard I could even try she could never come back.

"Jasmine are you ok? pretty quiet over there." I jumped and was sent out of thought, I had just realized we had been past our houses, a while back. "Um yeah, uh I'm sorry I was just thinking. We should turn around, yeah?" I smiled slightly and he nodded and turned around and waited for me as I turned around. "What were you thinking about? If I may ask and all." We slowly started walking back, I didn't really know if I should tell him. "I was thinking about some school work is all no need to worry silly."

(Ok so I am only gonna do this maybe once or twice but I thought it'd be cool to see all this from his point of view but I dunno rather I should go back fully or just a bit all up to you guys I do care about what you think but it'd be it's own chapter, of all that's happened so far, I could even do it every few so chapters (: but its all up to you ^-^ I just need to know what you think. So comment below please ^_^, Don't gotta like unless you do lol. But hmmmm I was thinking of calling all you peoples my Kittys hmm how does that sound, cause like everyone has their own little group of fans, Kittys sound good XD. But hmmm I hope you guys are having like the greatest day ever :D and hmm its almost St. Patricks day pretty cool right ^-^, gonna get all them ginger jokes most likely that day XD. But any-who I will be posting tomorrow and will start writing after your comments or maybe do one more chapter then do his point of view and maybe add in a few of Marks, no?)

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