Start from the beginning

*rolls eyes* (duh)

 = )

Summary? & A/N: The LONG... Ya need to read, COMPLICATED's first side story, 'A Cornucopia of Spike' first, for this to make ANY sense...Then? It's Christmas Eve at Buffy's...and the gangs all there! Xander has never seen a MESS like this!

Tha' short: Spike, Xander, Christmasy Goodness, Magic & wow!

Warnings? Eventual NC-17 'smushy' messy sexy lovins'....mmmm...possibly a few of the flashbacks to the Vampire Feast with Death By Chocolate ^^ AND: Um 'stoopid' (yes, it has been spelled that way on purpose) nicknames, future uses of lots of whipped cream and naughty uses of Girl Scout Cookies? strawberry Twizzlers, (Thin Mints?) A lot of warm gooey Christmas feelings... good food, and, an amazing gift. OR two, or three, or more...

Disclaimer? Um, characters not mine, never, just dirty evil little mind is mine! ALL MINE!.....BUT, the Characters to BTVS, *sad sigh* Not mine, AND it ALL belongs to Joss the Toy maker & his merry band of Mutant Enemy elves!

Feedback?  YES please, as it is always of the good!

Dedications? To all that celebrate it! 'Happy CHRISTMAS! '(VERY EARLY!)

~COMPLICATED Chapter 27~

**************tiny evil grin******************

Naughty Author Note: (Giggle)..Um, Okay then, just a few moments earlier...**

Xander had sighed once again, and sat on the edge of his bed.

As he held his head in his hands, his elbows biting into his thighs, he was deep in thought.

Well ONE troubling thought...*Why had he dreamed of Spike?*......Those musings however had been cut short, as he'd once AGAIN tumbled off the bed.


Instead of being wigged out by a VERY REALISTIC dream, he had been startled to an inch of his life by Spike's very loud bellow of,


*Hello, Mr. Vampire! Neighbors much?*

*Ggggr* Xander thought, getting up, to go tell off that self-centered, cheezy-chips-stealing, blood-sucking.., towels-on-the-bathroom-floor-throwing, pain-in-his-ass-'former' and now possibly AGAIN roomie'..(ha, what a fuckin' laugh!)..

After Xander's last night male version of, 'Spike On A Hot Tin Roof' all's he had been missing were the tight breeches and an open to the waist white shirt and himself, fists clenched, head thrown back caterwauling like a love sick fool to the wind,


That was LAST night, and THIS was, reaching down, he picked up his trusty old alarm clock. 

After giving it a good solid 'thunk' on it's metal side,  he heaved a sigh of relief as it resumed its job. 

Then, he ALMOST dropped it again after discovering, "good GOD! Was that REALLY Anya's VOICE?" He muttered to himself after sticking a finger in his ear, and next shaking his head.

Removing his finger, he yawned hard, trying to pop his ears.

*Perhaps I imagined it?*

COMPLICATED    Chapters 23-32Where stories live. Discover now