How I met your mother

Start from the beginning

"It was scary... oh and by the way, I don't blame you."

Rob sighed. "It is my fault though, I'm the one that wanted you to go out."

"Stop it!" Kristen snapped. "Don't blame yourself. We couldn't have known this would happen."

"I thought I was going to lose you......"

"Well, you didn't, and I would never leave you that easily. I love you and Eliana way too much." she smiled. "You can't get rid of me that easily" she giggled

Rob giggled. "Yeah." Kristen laid her head on Rob's shoulder. Looking down she saw her baby girl curled up against her chest sound asleep

"I almost forgot! I'm going to leave her with you for a minute. I need to call your mother."

"Alright. Sounds good."

Rob stepped out and Kristen scooted Eliana up further. "I love you baby girl," Kristen closed her eyes as she rubbed her nose against Eliana's head. Eliana made little noises before yawning. She opened her eyes and looked at Kristen.

"Did I wake you lovebug?"

Kristen scooted down a little and put her legs together. She laid the baby on her legs and ran her hand over Eliana's head. Eliana started fussing, letting out little cries.

"What baby? You're ok." Kristen brought the baby back to against her chest. Eliana settled almost straight away taking a tiny ball of Kristen's gown and clutching it in her hand.

Kristen turned onto her side, nestling Eliana to her body. She watched as her eyes slowly closed and she scooted herself closer. "Sleep well Eliana," Kristen whispered as she kissed Eliana's forehead.

Robert came back in and sat on the bed by Kristen.

"Your mom is going to come up later, she's dying to see you"

"I bet" Kristen giggled. "I think I'm going to take a nap with her if you don't mind"

Rob looked at her confused. "why would I mind? your still sick Kris, of course, I don't mind."

"Lay with me?"

Rob got up and climbed in behind her, pulling her into him making sure Eliana was alright. He watched the loves of his life sleep until the doctors came in and wanted to examine Kristen. Rob carefully picked Eliana up, accidentally waking her up in the process. The doctors checked Kristen over as Rob was talking to Eliana who had started crying from being startled out of her sleep. The doctors informed Kristen that she would be able to go home the next day. Kristen didn't like the fact that she would have to stay another night. She wanted to get home and be a full-time mother again like she was supposed to be. She felt horrible for leaving Rob alone with Eliana, she knew he could handle it but she just felt bad for putting all the responsibility on him. When the doctors left, Kristen knew there was no way she was going back to sleep. She took Eliana back into her arms who had stopped crying at this point.

"That was a rude wake-up call huh love? You and me both. The only people allowed to wake me up is you and daddy."

Rob laughed at that. He shook his head as he took a seat on the bed next to Kristen.

"Oh, so are you going to tell me why our daughter needed formula?"

"Oh yes, sorry love I forgot. It was because of the antibiotics that they had you on. It could have hurt her, and they weren't sure how much of the bacteria and stuff was in your milk from your system. But everything is good now."

"She didn't like it?"

"No, every time I would try to give it to her she would take a tiny sip, realize it's not mommy's milk and turn away, continuing to scream and cry. This went on for almost an hour until I gave up and gave her a bottle of your milk we had. I didn't feel right doing it but she was in distress."

What I never knew I always wanted (Robsten story) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now