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C H A P T E R   N I N E T E E N

"JULIET?" Roxanne asked incredulously, "what are you doing here?"

"Roxanne, I need to tell you something please," Juliet pleaded.

"Wait, were you the one sending me the notes?" Roxanne asked, still in shock.

Juliet took a deep breath, "Yes."

"HEY," James said, approaching the dazed blonde, the events of what happened a few minutes ago still haunting her as she sat down the edge of the cliff, "what are you doing here?"

"Just thinking," Roxanne answered shortly, her eyes not looking at the brunette as she continued staring at the moon. She remembered what her mum use to say to her about the moon, the story of how the sun loved it so much that the sun died every night just to let it breathe. And in her six year-old mind she couldn't help but believe it was true. That there was someone out there who could love her like how the sun did to the moon. And now she realised she was stupid to believe in such fairytale.

"Well, Sirius made some barbeque, we thought you might be hungry." James said, oblivious as ever. She felt a pinch of fury at how he acted like he didn't do anything wrong.

Roxanne sighed, "James, do you love me?" Her eyes already brimming with tears, yet James still didn't notice.

He smiled, "of course I do, love."

"Then why did you do it?" She asked, facing him, a tear fell down her cheek and James eyes widened with acknowledgement.

"I-i don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered, by now Roxanne let the tears escape her eyes.

"Please don't lie to me," she croaked.

"Hey guys stop snogging and come down already," Sirius called out, Remus and Peter trailing behind him. His smile quickly turned into a frown when he saw Roxanne's tear stained cheeks, "what's going on?"

"And you," Roxanne said in fury, "you knew yet you didn't tell me."

"R-roxanne, what are you talking about?" Remus interjected.

"You bloody well know what I'm talking about, Remus." She yelled, "I thought you were my friend. How could you keep this from me? Does my feelings not matter to you? Were you even my friend?" She croaked making the three look down.

"I-i tried stopping them, Roxanne, please believe me," Remus pleaded.

"But you didn't tell me," she said, her face now wet with tears as she kept her chin held high.


"W-what? Why?" Roxanne asked in disbelief.

"Because this," she gestured to the air, "is not what you think it is. I'm talking about James, he's not that kind Gryffindor you think he is."

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