Highschool rp 2

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Name: Kelsey Morton

Age: 17

Gender: Female



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Personality: Kelsey is probably the typical geek: shy, quiet, keeps to her self, clever, smart

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Personality: Kelsey is probably the typical geek: shy, quiet, keeps to her self, clever, smart. But she can be feisty and even sometimes aggressive, she's quite dirty minded and is funny and usually generally friendly to people who deserve it.

Likes: being alone, getting stuff done, people who leave her alone or let her get on with stuff, her friends, when her family isn't being annoying. She also loves reading and Technology.

Dislikes: sports, people who are rude or easily annoy her, f**kboys, people who don't have a care in the would, when her family is being annoying and loud noise or crowds like big party's.

Crush: open.

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