The twin sister

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Hagrid left with some 'important Hogwarts business' so the pair were left with tonks.
"Listen you two." She eventually said, "Long story but you two are twins,"
Expressions of disbelief filled both faces, glaring at each other noticing similarities the more they looked.
The one that stood out the most was the lightning shaped scar sat just above her collar bone, mirroring the one he had on his forehead.
"I'm sorry...Tonks," Harry stuttered, "but there must be a mistake, if she's my twin then how come she didn't spend 11 years with the dursleys like me?"
Tonks smiled and then looked up at the large clock on the wall of the train station.
"I'll have to explain it quick," she said, "you have to be on the train in half an hour."
They nodded, stared at each other for afew seconds and then looked hopeful back at Tonks, willing to know the whole story.
"So, when You-Know-Who tried to kill you both his spell repelled on himself so he was merely a spirit and went into hiding. We still think he's not dead but the ministry denies the fact that he's still living, somehow," the witch told the two, "the spell gave you your scars- Harry's on his head and Eve's on her neck. Eve fell out of the cot and was hidden under the rubble so everyone thought she were dead."
"Oh, how bloody wonderful," Eve interjected.
Harry sniggered at the remark she made then let Tonks carry on.
"So Dumbledore took Harry to the dursleys, eve was soon found and taken into an orphanage by muggles.We found out Eve was alive and now she's here and so are you."
"Woah," they both breathed, hardly able to speak as what they'd just heard was very overwhelming to the pair of young twins.
"Oh, quick the trains leaving in 5!" Tonks handed them two tickets with 'Platform 9¾' written in bold, black writing across the front with a swirly, gold pattern traced around the edge.
"Excuse me but where's platform 9¾ Tonks?" Harry asked blankly but Tonks had already disappeared from sight.
"Do you-" Harry turned to ask Eve but she shook and scratched her head.
"I don't know Harry..."


They wondered around the platforms yet no platform 9¾ was to be seen.
"Oh no, we're gonna miss the train!" The ginger paced around in between platforms 9 and ten.
"Slow down Eve," Harry grabbed her arm and pointed towards and big family, all with burning ginger hair, "Look they all have trolleys, must be wizards too!"
"Well, your asking them." She huffed.
They pushed the stuff towards the family. The mother was pointing to the wall in between 9 and 10 and the oldest boy, Percy, ran at the wall and as if by magic, went through it.
Eve and Harry stared at each other, faces widening in shock and surprise. Harry then stepped forward to ask the old witch how to get through.
"Sorry but excuse me, do you know how to um-" he mumbled.
"Get onto the platform?" She chuckled, "Its Ron's first time too."
He looked at the small ginger boy, his face full with freckles looking just as scared as Harry and Eve.
"Just run into that wall there dear," she pointed out,"Best do it at a run if your nervous."
With that, Harry ran fast into the wall and closed his eyes waiting for the crash but he slipped through followed by eve who bumped his back as she came through.
People were everywhere: some getting on the glistening, red steam train, some saying farewell to their parents and grandparents and others with students, showing something off from a tarantula to a new wand. Harry saw Ron and the twins appear then sink into the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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