Chapter 2.

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Dante yawned and opened his eyes, looking around and seeing that he is now in Hannaford's. He is in the little seat in carts. He looked up tiredly and saw that the cart was parked close to a shelf, what it had on it made the baby cambion want to scream in anger. It was baby food.
"I'm not eating that gunk." Dante said in his best angry tone, Vergil just kept looking at the different jars on the shelf and said "Too bad, you need to eat it, and you only have to eat it twice a day, I was planning on giving you a normal dinner." Dante huffed and crossed his arms, not liking this at all but choosing to not continue arguing, fearing that if he did then he would have to eat that gunk all the time.

Vergil had put quite a few jars in the cart to make sure it would last Dante a long time, deciding fruity ones for breakfast and vegetable ones for lunch. Satisfied with what he got, he pushed the cart off to another aisle. He was in the meat section, deciding on what to get for dinner. He could get some boneless skinless chicken breasts and create something good with those, the possibilities are endless. He could also grab a pork loin and make a pork roast with homemade gravy and mashed potatoes. He then saw a big roast. Hmm, he hasn't roast beef in awhile and it's been way longer for Dante. Vergil, from years of living on his own, knew how to cook perfectly and he knew how to make the perfect roast beef, plus Dante would love it and it would be better for him than pizza. Without another thought, the elder hybrid grabbed the roast and put it in the cart. He then went off to get some vegetables that would go perfectly with it.

As Vergil pushed the cart, Dante was looking around at everything so eagerly, he didn't know why but everything was making him excited. His older brother noticed this and thought it was cute. He had to walk through the candy aisle to get to the vegetables and he knew it would be mean to take Dante through there, have him look at all the yummy candy and not be able to get anything. So he stopped in the middle of the aisle and picked his little brother out of the cart and set him down, saying "Okay, you can pick one big candy or two small ones." The baby smiled brightly and said "Thanks!" He ran through the aisle, looking at all of the candy. There were so many of different kinds. He looked up at one shelf and saw it was a big Lindt chocolate bar with sea salt in it.
"That one!" The baby said excitedly and pointed. Vergil grabbed the chocolate bar and picked his baby brother up, putting him back in the cart. He saw the look on the baby cambion's face and said: "You can't eat it yet, I'd get in trouble because I didn't pay for it." Dante nodded and just held the candy.

Vergil stepped into the produce aisle and grabbed some broccoli and carrots, noticing the look of disgust on his baby brother's face when he grabbed them.
"Don't worry, I know how to cook them so they taste good," Vergil said and pushed the cart towards another aisle that made the baby cambion realize how thirsty he is. The elder hybrid parked the cart and leaned down close to his little brother with a miffed expression. Dante thought he was in trouble until he actually spoke.
"Listen to me, I've seen lots of creepy guys looking at you as we've been going through here. If anyone comes near you and tries to grab you then you scream your tiny lungs out, got it?" The baby cambion nodded and said, "Got it." Vergil just stood there for a bit, not wanting to leave his little brother but knew he had to get him something to drink so he turned and walked a bit into the aisle grabbing some packages of juice boxes and pouches.

Dante kept a look out and noticed this pretty woman stopped right next to him, she didn't try to grab him so he didn't scream, and what she said next he knew he wouldn't need to scream.
"Hey there, little guy. I'm just gonna stay right here and watch you till your father comes back. A lot of creeps from a city pretty far away come here because they say we are 'easy picking' so I want to make sure you stay safe, okay?" Dante nodded and said, "Okay, but he is not my father, he's my brother." The lady quickly apologized and then made it look like she was trying to figure which juice had less of the nasty crap in it like artificial junk and stuff like that.

Baby Brother. Devil May Cry.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें