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Alison stared blankly at Tom. She was afraid to show how she really felt. She kept her face as emotionless as possible, worried about what he might do if she cried or even laughed.

A few years ago, Tom had played Loki in several Marvel films. Alison worried about his mental stability. How could he seriously believe he is Loki?

Tom's eyes searched hers. "My love, please say something. Anything."

"Tom," Alison started, "I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to react to all this. I keep waiting for the punchline. If you're playing a joke, you can give it up now." Alison nervously chuckled. "Good one, Tom. You nearly got me there."

Tom's eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. He stood before her and ran his fingers through his hair, obviously exasperated.

"Several centuries ago, you and I both betrayed the Allfather. He separated us and sent you far from Asgard with the hopes we would never be reunited. Evidence has led me to believe you were on Midgard. It took years, but I gained the trust and love of Midgardians by being this man, the one you have ended up desiring." Tom reached out for Alison's hands and pulled her up in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "Imagine my amusement being cast as Loki Laufeyson in Thor. What a wonderful break from being Tom for so long. I've missed you, love. I still can't believe I've finally found you again."

Alison placed her head on Tom's chest. His breathing and heartbeat were calm and steady. He wasn't lying. She didn't know why exactly, but she found herself beginning to believe his words. He had shown her his tricks, the magical side of Loki.

"Please, Alison, remember. Think back to your childhood. Have you ever been ill? Earthly diseases cannot harm you. Why is that?" Loki insisted she search her memories. They were sparse. And it was true, she never so much as had a headache in her life.

Alison stepped back and Loki could see in her eyes that she was putting all the pieces together. He saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe it wasn't impossible after all.

Testing the waters, he slowly lifted his hands to her face and cupped her chin. Bringing his face down to hers, he lightly brushed against her lips with his. "Sigyn... My faithful wife. I will never part from you again. You have my word."

Alison couldn't explain it. Whenever he called her 'Sigyn' her heart would leap from her chest. Was she in love with Tom? Or was... Sigyn... in love with Loki?

His eyes were invading hers. She could tell he was looking for her, somehow, inside. He was confident of that which he spoke. Tom had never portrayed an ounce of insanity before. So why would he now, all of a sudden? Since the beginning of shooting The Other Side, they slowly got close. She was drawn to him, there was no doubt about that.

There were things in her life that didn't make sense. Now that she thought of it, she couldn't even remember her own mother's name. When was her birthday? Why were her memories slipping from her grasp?

She shut her eyes and pressed her forehead against Tom's chest. He was so calm. He ran his fingers down her hair, sending shivers down her spine. Why did all this feel so familiar yet new?

Tom's face appeared in her thoughts. She could see him there, looking back at her. But wait, not Tom... His eyes were dark and green. Loki...

She squeezed her eyes even tighter, blocking out everything to focus on Loki's face. He smiled a little, his eyes giving off a mischievous light. He looked at her playfully. This image caused her to smile. But suddenly, his playful demeanor vanished. His eyes clenched shut, as if he were in pain. He threw his head back and let out a blood curdling howl of pain.

Alison's eyes were still tightly closed. Loki's reaction in her memory caused a sob to escape from her mouth.

Tom squeezed her tight and kissed the top of her head, knowing these memories were not going to be gentle on her.

Alison pulled away from Tom and glanced up at him. Her eyes were full of sadness. Her hand flew up to her mouth to stifle her sobs.

"Loki? Is it truly you?"

Tom gently smiled and dropped his illusion: First, his perfect alabaster skin faded on the right side of his face to reveal rotted flesh, eaten by something acidic. Secondly, his skin altogether changed to an icy blue hue with darker blue patterns beautifully standing out. His eyes had turned red.

Normally, that would have sent Alison running for the hills. But she was beginning to embrace the truth. She was Sigyn. She knew that now.

"Oh, Loki," Sigyn threw her arms around his neck and crashed her lips into his. The kiss was quick as she pulled back and touched his face. "What happened?"

Loki's illusion reappeared. Even though he was a Jotun, a Frost Giant, he always felt more comfortable as an Asgardian. He wanted to match Sigyn's own beauty.

"You'll remember in time, love. Let's not rush it. I wouldn't want to overwhelm you. As long as you're back and remember your place with me, that's all that concerns me at the moment." Loki ran his fingers down the sides of her arms and then intertwined them with hers. Pulling her hands up, he wrapped her arms back around his neck and pulled her in close.

Slipping one hand behind her neck, he gently forced her mouth to his. With his free hand, Loki pulled her right leg up and hitched it over his hip. Sigyn deepened the kiss, dancing her tongue along with his. She moaned with pleasure feeling Loki's hands roam south to caress her bottom. He squeezed her and thrust his pelvis against her. She felt him smile against her lips.

He wrenched her around by the wrist and turned her until her back was against him. Loki pushed her long hair aside and trailed light, feather-soft kisses against her neck, down to her shoulder. Hooking his fingers into the neck of her blouse, he slipped the fabric off her shoulder and nipped at her bare skin.

Sigyn reached back and placed a hand behind Loki's head, grabbing a handful of his hair to keep his mouth on her skin. Loki let out a deep growl of pleasure.

Sigyn smiled at the sound, "Now that, I remember." And with that, Loki forced her face towards his mouth and kissed her hard. With his free hand, he freely wandered over her breasts, teasing her with a few playful pinches. Their lips still reacquainted themselves as Loki's hand skimmed further down, bellow her belly. Sigyn grabbed his hand and guided him further down. Again, she felt him smile against her mouth.

"Naughty girl," he whispered. He flipped her back around and stepped toward her until she was pinned between him and the wall. He gave her one last good kiss before kneeling before her, unbuttoning her pants and forcing them down.

Looking up at her from under his lashes, he smirked at her state of arousal. "Let's see what else you remember, my pet."

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