Day 100: A Final Picture of You

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Well here it is.  The last and final day.  After today there will be no more pictures.  No more daily (or almost daily) posts.  No more things for you to read daily.  Actually if I can't get my camera to work I might not even post tonight. 

*Crosses fingers that camera starts to work again*

Ok good, It's working.  Wow, I was worried for a second.

There is not much for me to say about my picture so I'm going to write 10 facts about myself.  Maybe these are more of things that you wouldn't know about me...I don't know.

1- I want to get a little bamboo plant or bonsai tree.  I love to have plants inside the house.  I grew up with a live tree in my house!

2- I love looking at makeup, nail polish, hair accessories, jewelry, purses, and perfume at the store but I hardly ever buy any of it.

3- If I could get a cat or a dog I'd choose a dog!

4- I've lost 30ish pounds over the course of a few years yet when I go shopping for clothes I still think I have to buy the bigger sizes.  :S

5- I love office supply stores and craft stores.  I could spend forever in there just looking at everything. 

6- I'm not a huge fan of chocolate.  Give me a bag of chips and I'm good!

7- Given the choice between salt and pepper, I'd choose pepper.  Given the choice between ketchup and mustard, I'd choose mustard.

8- I have a hard time allowing myself to drink out of cups.  I drink from an aluminum water bottle.  A perfect gift for me would be an aluminum water bottle with an awesome design on it.  ;)

9- I don't like all

10- I am Christian.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a.k.a LDS, Mormon, Latter-Day Saint).  (

Wow, 100 days went by so quickly.  During this time I traveled a little and moved thousands of miles from my home.  This has kind of been my journal.  Maybe I should make an actual journal out of this.  Now that is a thought!

Ok, so I guess this is goodbye.  This is my last post.  I couldn't be happier.

Before I go I just want to give a special thanks to fuzzypenguin, nineler, and treasuresofwisdom.  These three (especially the first two) have read, voted, and commented every day.  I couldn't ask for more devoted fans!

If you are one of my silent fans (the one who reads but doesn't vote or comment) I want to thank you too!  Your support is very much appreciated.

It's been a long journey...


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